8:01 pm on 05-23-04
a 2nd sunday entry

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as this is my second entry for today.... so I totally forgot to write about a small thing that happened yesterday.

D, you know the guy from St. pats day parade day that basically yelled at me and told me that I broke his heart read this entry....well his girlfriend was there at the shower yesterday. Uh oh. My heart jumped about 50 feet out of my head because I have not seen her in ages and I wasn't too sure if she knew that D and I fooled around. She was really sweet and nice towards me, like she always is. So I am figuring that she didn't know about what happened.

But let me tell you...I felt like pond scum. I have vowed never to make out with anyone who I know has a girlfriend. First J, and then D. God surely is punishing me in some way, I just know it.

Ok, that's it for sundays writings.