2:24 pm on 12-24-04
Merry Christmas

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Merry Christmas everyone.

This week has been one of those weeks. I think have gotten about 12 hours of sleep total since last Sunday. I don�t know what my deal is. My stomach is in knots, I�m cranky, blah blah blah. I went out to dinner on Monday night with an aunt and cousin. It was ok, but we were out kind of late. It�s weird, you think that you can handle staying out until 11pm on a Monday and have several glasses of wine, but the next day, I felt like crapola. We had our holiday lunch on Tuesday afternoon. We decided to go to Fridays, just because it is a good, laid back atmosphere and in a relatively central location for everyone at work. So I had called a couple of weeks ago and asked about reservations, they do no such thing, but you can call the day of about 15 minutes before you are going to be there. So I called Tuesday at around 12:15pm�I said that there were 15 of us coming and that we would all be there by one. She first told me that I had to call back at 12:45pm. Whatever. I told her that we would be on our way there at 12:45 and that we could not possibly call. She huffed and said ok. So when we got there, we had to wait an additional 30 minutes. And of course, some people got pissed, but I told them just to go to the bar and have a drink (on the boss of course). I finally went up to the hostess and asked her what the deal was and there was 13 guys who had been there all morning sitting at the table that they needed to sit us at. So I began talking a little louder and they all turned and were looking and obviously realized that they were holding us up and all of the sudden, they all started to put their coats on and leave. My boss was almost to the point of offering to buy them a round of drinks to get up and sit at the bar. We had a nice time there.

The rest of my week was spent spending money and buying additional gifts, along with a few things for myself. I went out last night to the local 10 million person capacity bar�b0urb0n street. We got there at around 8pm and there was no line or cover charge. By the time my lawyer friend got there, he said the line outside was about 50 people deep and there was a $5 cover. Oh well. We ended up leaving there around 11:30pm and going to M&J�s house for some drinks. It was a good time. Although I have a nasty headache this morning.

Asides from the fact that I had no new years plans as of last weekend, I now have three parties that I was invited to. So now the hard part is picking which one I want to go to. One is an 80s party, which is actually walking distance from me and is bound to be a good time. The other is a small gathering of about 12 people�which includes 2 single men (oh the possibilities) and the rest are all good friends of mine. That is about 15 minutes from my house. The third party was an invite from the hot neighbor two houses away from me. Now this could be a good thing�plenty of very good looking Chicago cops and firefighters�(oh the possibilities)�

So that�s that. We are having about 40 people over for dinner tonight. It�s gonna be a little crowded, but definitely a good time. This is something that I have been looking forward to.

So everyone, have a nice Christmas/hannakuh/holiday time.