9:22 pm on 12-08-04
words to live by??

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I�ve been in hiding. They�ve been considering placing me in the witness protection program, but after numerous psychological tests, they think that I am ok in the real world and that I don�t need to go into hiding. This may be my last entry.

Ok, so that was a pathetic attempt at writing a mystery novel. This is why I am not a writer. I�ve been relatively busy lately, and at the same time I have not felt the urge to sit in front of this dell computer of mine. I haven�t had it on since Monday night, which actually was the first time since last week that I had used it. Eek.

I had breakfast with santy claws at work over the weekend. While it was a good morning and the kids are so damn cute, I get really pissed off at the higher ups at my organization. Why in the heck can�t they come and say hello to all the employees at employees events? I mean, come on, most of them don�t even live 15 minutes away from work. What�s 20 minutes on a Saturday morning? Fuckerheads.
One guy on my committee looked like a total scuzz ball too at the event. His pants looked like he rolled around in dog shit infested grass. No matter how many times I say something to his boss (who is also on my committee), nothing is ever done. I am sure she says something to him, but it�s a never ending battle. I give major points to my boss though for coming by and helping on Saturday, and I don�t think she showed up just because I am the chair of the committee. She would have been there no matter what. She is the type of person that needs to rule the world. She is extremely level headed and fair and understands where every one is coming from. Even though she hasn�t given me my damn raise yet, I really can�t complain about her otherwise. We all get in our moods, especially when really busy and she realizes when she�s a bitch. It just makes it that much easier for me to blow it off.

Saturday afternoon, I started decorating the front of the house with lights and what not. Most of it is done, but we needed some extra lights, so I bought those earlier this week and I�ll finish over the weekend.

Sunday I went to the bears game. They won. My legs hurt on Monday. And I had a good time.

Monday was your typical Monday. When I have events on the weekend that I do, I am supposed to take comp time. Well, Monday morning I was practically crying because I was stressed out, tired, cold, and pmsing, that my boss told me to put the time in as over time. Score. And you know I put 8 hours in instead of the 6 that I actually worked. Score again. Which is nice considering xmas is right around the corner.

Most of my shopping is completed. I have three gifts left to buy. And they are hard. I don�t know what to get these people, two of them being my parents. I�ll probably give them a dinner gift certificate, that�ll make them happy.

Ok, so I read the following today:
�A woman has a close male friend. This means that he is probably interested in her, which is why he hangs around so much. She sees him strictly as a friend. This always starts out with, you're a great guy, but I don't like you in that way. This is roughly the equivalent for the guy of going to a job interview and the company saying, You have a great resume, you have all the qualifications we are looking for, but we're not going to hire you. We will, however, use your resume as the basis for comparison for all other applicants. But, we're going to hire somebody who is far less qualified and is probably an alcoholic. And if he doesn't work out, we'll hire somebody else, but still not you. In fact, we will never hire you. But we will call you from time to time to complain about the person that we hired��

This is what life is all about. Words to fucking live by. Ugh.

So like mimseylou said, �three cheers and three cookies for you! You have some real will-power!��more when the frosting on the cake begins to crunch.