10:05 a.m. on 2003-11-27
gobble gobble

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So here I sit on my ass with the worst hangover God has ever created. What the hell, either I get hangovers or I don't. I am coughing like I have emphysema. I wish bars were smoke free. So we went to Quigleys last night. Packed like I have never seen before. It was great. Just sitting around, talking, having a good time. I saw two ex boyfriends there last night. Strokes. They don't know what they're missing. Then a bunch of my brothers friends were sitting at the table by me. Thank god they all didn't want to come over and talk about things. I needed a break...yea and then I go to the bathroom and I am in there talking with someone from work who I haven't seen since Mike died. I grew up with her, so she knows Mike and all that...so anyway.

Then we went to another bar down the road. That was ok. My new favorite group was there playing...well, I think it was just the one guy, but anyway. SO then another guy my brother was real good friends with was there, so of course, I was talking to him. And then this guy who's sister I used to be friends with was there and we were talking and what not, and then he asks me about my brother and how he was doing. Obviously, he didn't know what happened. I think he felt bad, but at the same time, it's ok. I have this complete understanding and I am not gonna get all flipped out by it. I knew that by going out close to home last night meant that I was going to see alot of people that we knew...so it was all expected. That's probably why I got drunk.

So my friend, the lawyer.. he and I usually don't get along. He always is picking on me. I told him off one day earlier in the year and then it was weird between us. We were talking last night, and whilst we were both drunk, he can actually be a pretty cool guy. He told me he doesn't like when I say that he is always picking on me...I looked at him and said "well you always do"..he chuckled, and ssaid that yea he does, but he doesn't mean in it in a bad way. OK, good. Now I know that he really doesn't dislike me. good job.

So D and K were arguing or some shit last night, Who knows what the hell is going on. SOmetimes I think that they should break up, but I think she doesn't want to because she is afraid of losing all of us as friends. She shouldn't worry about that because it won't happen.

So when we were at the second bar last night, my friend speakerboy was trying to scratch his back or something, so I went ahead and scratched it for him. Well, once again, the back scratching tactic has worked. He said that I was the best back scratcher ever ha. no scoring. he has a girlfriend. I get a kick out of how I can scratch someones back and they melt like butter. that is cool. that's how I reeled below (benefits buddy's friend) in. Maybe I should become a professional back scratcher. and speaking of below, I got my tri-weekly mailing of matches from match.com and he was number 2 on the list. how funny is that!? benefits buddy says it's destiny, I don't think it's destiny, it's just a coinkydink.

Yea, and why is it that people you went to grammar school with see you and don't say a freaking word to you? M said that she saw like 10 people last night that she knew and none of them said hi to her. that's kind of being stuck up and lame on the grammar school people's part.

OK, gotta get pumped to go and eat turkey. I am so excited!