7:27 p.m. on 2003-11-23
This is a long one...another exciting weekend

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I always start my Sunday entries out with here we go once again, it�s Sunday night, and yes the weekend is just about over. I think I had a relatively pleasant weekend. On Friday I worked half day and then went downtown to school to turn in a paper. I was going to do some shopping, but decided against and came home. I wrote out about 100 cards for my brothers wake. You know those little thank you notes that you have to send. Yea, wasn�t that fun? My parents had asked me if I wanted to go out to dinner with them, and I said ok, but then they told me that I had to drive by myself unless I wanted to go to the boats with them.. Therefore, I drove myself to dinner. We went to a restaurant that was about 30 minutes away and it was a nice drive for me, I like driving, it clears my head. So dinner came and went and then I came home and putzed around for awhile. I ended up going out around 11pm to meet my sister at this bar down the street. Our favorite band was supposed to be there, but then they ended up not playing and these 2 guys were playing. They are pretty good, all acoustical and they do current and old covers. I stayed there for awhile, got home maybe around 2am.

Saturday I went to the mall..and didn�t buy anything..unlike me for sure. Ok, so here�s where the fun happens. I went out with benefits buddy, red and this other guy, a good friend of benefits buddy. I�ll call him Below. So, the four of us go into the city to this bar, which looked absolutely divey. We were going to see this electronic/laptop playing germans that red bought tickets for. It was actually pretty good. I like stuff like that.

So I had never met Below before..and I kind of had this image built up about him that he was a spaz and kind of annoying. That�s how benefits buddy had made him out to be, but I thought he was a pretty cool guy. He and I seemed to get along pretty well, we talked about a lot of stuff, where we grew up, what we did for a living, sports and just stuff in general. We were kind of flirting with each other and became pretty touchy feely. Below grabbed my hand a couple of times, and he tried to kiss me a couple of times. Well, I think he did, but it didn�t happen. And then it just happened. So we were kissing and what not at the bar. And then it was time to go home. He�s a charmer, he was saying stuff about how he wanted to cuddle when we got back and he asked if I was going to sleep with him where he was sleeping. Hey, of course I said yes, because one � I put the kibosh on the benefits buddy, so I couldn�t sleep in his bed. Two � I really didn�t want to sleep on the couch. I don�t know how comfortable it is. Three � Benefits buddy told me that his heat wasn�t working, so in order not to freeze, I had to lay with someone. Ha�I love my lame excuses for just wanting to fool around with someone. So below and I fooled around for a little while and then went to sleep�I got nothing out of it, but you know what, sometimes that happens. I know he was trying and I wasn�t letting him. I didn�t want to be a slut. So anyway, that�s about it. If he wanted to hang out again, I would be up for it. He�s a cool, and seems like a fun guy to be around. If a relationship doesn�t happen, that�s ok too.

So this morning I left the same time that benefits buddy and Below left to go play football. I didn�t give Below my number, I didn�t ask for his. I didn�t know if I should. SO I get home and go right back to bed, I just was tired�and then benefits buddy called, of course wanting to know the whole scoop on what happened with me and Below. At first I wasn�t going to tell him anything, but then I just told him. I didn�t really think that it was any of his business, but he kept on asking about it. I asked him if he was mad or anything and he said he wasn�t�and there�s no reason why he should be mad. So now he�s telling me that because he hooked me up, I have to hook him up. Well, I didn�t know that I was being hooked up by him. I thought I was doing it myself. And then benefits buddy made a comment about how Below hasn�t been laid in a couple of months and that he�s probably horny. Great, so I was just used. Thanks for telling me that. Well, if I was used, I was used.

So that�s about it on the whole situation. It was nice to make out with someone, I had a good time, and hopefully made a new friend. I told benefits buddy that he should email Below and tell him that I think it would be cool if we hung out again. I don�t think benefits is going to email him that though, he just wants to know what went on between us.

Benefits buddy made an interesting comment about how he and I have a history and he didn�t think that Below and I would get together because of it. Well, what below doesn�t know won�t hurt him. As far as I now, there�s only one other of benefits friends that knows about us. And I don�t even know who he is. If it comes down the line that below and I ever hook up and date and what not, I wouldn�t say anything about benefits and I unless I was asked about it. It really isn�t important, is it?