10:09 p.m. on 2003-11-20
I have no catchy title today

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Today was a good day. I was happy. well, I was like my old self today. I swear sometimes I am schizo or something. I was a totally different person yesterday ...weird. It's amazing how one event can change how things are in your life.

I went to my cousins wake tonight, he was 55 or so, and had cancer and died the other day. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, and we only stayed for a short while. For some strange reason, there were alot of chicago cops and firefighters there and I am not too sure why, ok by me...eye candy. Then my sisters and I and my mom went out to dinner. It was nice. Then I came home, did some laundry, wrote a paper, and now I need to work on a power point thing for work. It's like 55 slides..ugh, lucky me. I don't really think I am going to work on it though, if I don't get it done at work tomorrow, I can work on it over the weekend. It doesn't need to be done until tuesday for a meeting in the morning. I've been pretty busy at work, which is good, but I am on another committee now. I swear I feel like the committee queen. Looks good on my resume I say.

So last night after work I went out with my boss and a couple of other people from work for a few drinks to celebrate my birthday. After that, I met my friend K out at a bar. Now, halloween boy called me the other day and asked me to dinner last night, and I said yes, and then I forgot (until at work yesterday) that I had already had plans after work. SO I called him and told him about what was going on and we decided to meet for drinks later in the night. Well, he came up there with his roommate, who is engaged and I heard that he gives him an awful lot of blowjobs...anyway, he sat with us for a little bit, we talked for awhile, mindless banter and then this girl walks up and starts talking to him, he introduces her to us and she shook hands like a fucking pansy, but anyway. I noticed she had her hand on his waist. I was thinking to myself what the fuck is this all about. So then she leaves, she was part of the karaoke crew that was there and we continue to talk. Well, no more than 6 minutes later, he says he has to get up and go socialize. Well, that was the last I saw of him. Mind you I saw where he was and he was sitting with that girl, he went to the bar a couple of times, walked right past us and didn't even say anything. I was LIVID!

How dare he be such an asshole. So I decided to leave. I know K was staying and I was going to ask her today if he said anything or what not, but I guess she called in to work. what a stroke.

Yea, so now he is defintely not worth it in my book! K tried to stick up for him and say that he was playing hard to get. Dont play games with me. that is so lame. and if he playing hard to get, he was doing a better job of getting me uninterested.

yea, another day of my life.