8:58 p.m. on 2003-11-18
Now doesn't that fucking crack the icing on the cake

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This seems to be like the never ending day/week/month. Time seems to be going by so slow. Tomorrow is only wednesday, and I wish it were Friday, it would be so nice.

I got my haircut today, I got my nails done. I feel so pampered. Well, not really, but it was nice getting my hair washed. That is one of the best feelings in the whole world. There was this lady who works where I work and she came to work one day with the crazy looking wire thingy. Well, what you do with this crazy wire thing is put it on top of your head and move it up and down, it's like a head massager. It was pretty cool, gave me goose bumps allover. Well, that was about 2 years ago and today when I was at the mall, I saw a kiosk that sells these things. The guy was asking everyone walking by if they wanted to try it. That is kind of gross, you don't know whose head has been where, and then to have your head touch this thing. You could get lice.

Oh the wonderful lice. Ever have the lice test in grammar school where these old ladies made you line up and then sit and they went through your hair with a fine toothed comb looking for those little buggers. Then, if someone had lice, they would send a letter home to all the parents letting them know to keep checking the kids. Lovely.

Yea, I remember in grammar school, once we hit 6th or 7th grade, we had to have scoliosis testing. We were supposed to wear a bra or bathing suit top (which was always the topic of conversation) and then you would go into the library and someone would tell you to take your shirt off and make you turn side to side and then tell you to turn around and study your back..Now that I think about it, I can't believe my parents approved of such things. If something like that went on in grammar schools today, surely some stupid little spoiled kid wanting attention would make up some story about how the scoliosis tester molested him or something, but with his eyes. "he looked at me funny"...well there goes another lawsuit.

well, it's 906 now and I just got a phone call from halloween guy (suprise suprise)..I talked to him last monday. Well he wants to know if I want to go out tomorrow night for dinner. and I said yes. I don't know about this one though, I know he's going through a divorce and not divorced yet and he has a kid. Plus his roommate is a girl. Interesting, maybe they're benefit buddies...wouldn't that be funny.

And speaking of benefits buddy....once again I have put the kabosh on the whole thing. I vaguely remembering just doing this a couple of weeks ago, but obviously that didn't last long. I am such a sucker. But for this strange reason, I know it will last this time. I said to him the other day that I didn't want to be known as someones buddy fuck anymore, and he said "i never refer to you as that"...yea, you know what I mean though. If I'm gonna sleep with someone, I better be in a relationship with him. None of this casual stuff anymore.

I have one more paper to write for school, due next monday, and this is the topper...we have to hand deliver it to the instructors office, we can't email it. Now doesn't that fucking crack the icing on the cake ( or some stupid cliche like that)