7:17 p.m. on 2003-11-16
What is with Rod Stewart?

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yes, once again it's sunday night. It seems that these sunday nights come up way too quickly. I didn't want to get out of bed this morning. I literally had to drag my ass out before 1030am. I had a ton of stuff to do, mainly write a few papers. So I get up and mope around, dreading the day ahead of me. I will be so god damned glad when this week is over. It means no school for a whole 6 weeks!! yes. that is a good thing. So I have 1.5 papers done. The big one is done and emailed to my instructor, now all I have to do is wait for the grade. I don't know how well I followed the instructions for the final assignment, but with everything that has gone on in the last 2 weeks, I'm hoping he'll let me slide and grade me for effort. I am praying for that one.

So I got a check in the mail the other day from the mortage company. 2 grand. that rocks. I guess they've been taking out too much for the escrow account...so you get money back then. They review it once a year.

So I wrote yesterday about how I couldn't get off on someone going down on me. I thought about it and I think a combination of alcohol and tiredness attributed to it. Well, at least that's what I was hoping. My sister called me today and wanted to know if I wanted to go out tonight with her, her roommate and her roommates brother. I took a pass. I don't know why everyone is always so intent on trying to set me up with someone. Yea and then someone asked me the question last night that I absolutely hate...here's the conversation...

K : "so Jen, what have you been doing since you graduated high school" (you big moron, it's only been almost 10 years)

J: "well, you know work, school, same ol same ol"

we proceeded to talk about work and school....

K: "so Jen are you dating anyone? married? engaged?"

J: "nope, nope, and nope"

K: "well how come? you're so god damned cute and got alot going on for you. what guy wouldn't want you?"

J: "You know what K, I don't know why. Does it matter though"...

he left it at that. Relationships and finding them suck. I had one relationship once that I really thought he was the one...at the time I thought he was. I often wondered if it's one of those relationships where if it's meant to me, it'll happen. Yea, all it seems to be is the guy fucking with my head. I really thinks now that I am dating someone and now he is calling me and professing his undying love for me. He actually spoke when I answered the phone the other night. Usually he just hangs up on me and then if I call him right back, he doesn't answer the phone....guys are such morons. Girls can be just as bad, but really, guys are morons. yea and now the more I think about it, the roommates brother is someone I can see myself dating. He's cute, the type of guy I would definitely go for. so yea, he'll be the guy I ponder for the week, until someone else comes along for me to think about...

Doesn't it sound like fun for me? Too bad the one I am looking for isn't here in my life now....yea I think I've written enough for now. I read other peoples journals, and sometimes I think that they are such good writers, I wish sometimes that I had something more than what I write about to write about, if you know what i mean.

And I don't know what people ever saw in Rod Stewart. I never have and never will think that he was hot.