10:25 p.m. on 2003-10-27
oh no description today

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god I am such a negative person.

I was going to start this entry out complaining about how I hate work, but I decided not to.

Yea, work is just there, school is ok, and tomorrow is tuesday.


I don't even have any good stories to tell. This is amazing. I think that I usually have something interesting to write, but not today. I'm just writing in here to say that I wrote.

No one reads this anyway, well one person does.

I want tons and tons and tons of people to start reading me.

I read today about a man in hong kong who has been keeping a blog for 5 years and has had over 2 millions readers or something.

He must lead a pretty interesting life over there in Hong Kong.

yea, I'm going to bed. SO much for that extra hour of sleep crap yesterday, it did me no good. and I slept like crap last night.

At least I got laid this weekend. I guess I could forget about the whole extra hour thing.