11:12 a.m. on 2003-10-19
righty tighty, lefty loosy

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Oh the end of the weekend is once again here. And I even had a three day weekend. I called in on Friday. I got my laundry done, paid a bill, went to the mall, relaxed. Friday night I went out with J and J, benefits buddy and I'll call the other one Red from now on.

So I drove. Those two are obnoxious. Well, red was more obnoxious than J, but that's ok. I think he was drunk by the time we got to the first bar. It was crowded, no where to sit, barey any room to move around, plus the guy sitting at the table by us was smoking a cigar. gross. Thank god we left when we did. So we went to this bar Darwins. It wasn't that crowded, not much of a crowd, we had a drink and then went to Liars club. I had never been there but have heard of it. I liked it, I would go back, they played some good music. So then we were there for a little bit and then left to go home. I almost got us killed on the tollway because for some reason it went from 3 lanes to one. Thank god J was paying noticed it.

So my period has been a week late. There was a possibility that I could be pregnant. Friday afternoon my sister and her friend were over to say hi, and she tells me that I should get drunk and fucked real good and that it will start. Well, I thought to myself that maybe if I just go out and relax about it I will get it. So when I was taking a shower before going out and when I got out of the shower and looked in the mirror I noticed some veins on my chest by my breasts that I never noticed before. I flipped because that's a sign of pregnancy, veins starting to show. So I am driving to J's and I am trying to tell myself to relax. I really wasn't feeling like myself, I was literally making myself physically ill thinking about it. So I get to J's and we talked about it a little bit and went out to eat. I ate part of my dinner and just didn't feel like eating anymore. So we then went back to his Place to wait for Red and we're sitting around having some beers. It took me forever to drink one, and then Red shows up and we have red bull and vodka. It seemed like I had the never ending glass of red bull. I was gulping and the level wasn't going anywhere. So we go out as described in the first paragraph...we get home, and get ready to go to bed and I go to the bathroom. I just about cried because my period started. I was so god damned happy, and i am pretty sure J was too.

So then we fucked. yea it was good. I'm getting horny thinking about it. yea and the condom fell off and we were looking arounbd for it on the floor and discovered that it was no where to be found, so guess where it was, that's right. i was kind of grossed out by that. but it happens.

J had a screw stuck in his tire. so he was going to take the tire off and I was going to drive him to the tire place to get a new one. It took a while to get the tire off, and he had never heard of righty tighty, lefty loosey when remembering which way to turn screws, bolts, etc. I got a kick out of that.

yea so that whole production was done. I think he was kind of suprised that I knew what I did about changing a tire. Why shouldn't I know, I'm not going to rely on someone else to change my tires for me. I have to know how to do things myself. I have my dad to thank for that!

So I came home (by the way, this is a long entry)...and took a nap. and hung out at home last night. It was nice.

So here I am this morning. I have some homework and reading to do, it will be a nice day.