9:56 p.m. on 2003-10-15
Cubs might not make it

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This week is flying. same ol stuff different day. still breaking out. work is boring. school is so so. cubs have yet to make it to the world series (as of 9:57pm CST.

I'm calling in sick friday. i need a mental health day. plus no one will be there, so there's no point in me being there.

I feel sorry for the guy that they are blaming as the reason that the cubs didn't win game 6 of whatever they're playing.

poor guy. if Cubs don't go to world series..this guy will definitely make it in the history books. We got out of class at 8pm tonight. Big whoop. I am exhausted. I just wanna go to bbed, which I'll do in a bit.

Yea maybe when something exciting and worth writing about happens, I'll write some more. As for now, everyone have a nice end to the week.