11:37 a.m. on 2003-10-12
ABC....123...do reh me...

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ohh I haven't written in a couple of days. But not to be worried, for those of you who like to read this, you haven't missed anything. School sucks. I have 2 papers due this week. One done, one to go, but it's not due til wednesday so I'll probably work on it Tuesday. I haven't done much at all. Renewed my health club membership. I've gone twice this week. I have to go at least 3 times a week. That is my goal for the next couple of months. I have been drinking lots of water too...but I don't know how much that has helped. I broke out like a 16 year old. It's terrible. I have never had perfect skin, but this has got to go. and i haven't gotten my period yet. what's with that. I'll sit here and worry, not like I need to worry, but then it will come later anyway. I guess I must be stressed and not realizing it.

I decided to be a cat for halloween. someone told me to buy a pink wig, so I did. I don't know how keen I am on the idea of wearing it though, I tried it on and I look pretty stupid with my glasses and black eyebrows!! SO I think I'll just take it back and do something funky with my hair. Last night I had a family dinner and then I went out for a cousins 21st birthday. I was there for 30 minutes and decided to go out with some other friends. So it was me, mel, j, and brian. nothing exciting, just sitting around bullshitting at a bar., there was a 70's band there, they wore afro wigs and sparkly shirts and sang that stupid michael jackson "abc" song twice! what kind of band plays the same song twice in one night. My theory is that they got drunk during their 90 minute break and forgot that they already played it.

yea. so i've been up since about 8 this morning, just working away at doing some work. I whipped out the one paper, with reading assignments included, in about 1 hour. I'm good.

nothing going on today. I think the CUbs are playing...yea yea. I will not jump on the bandwagon. these damn cubs fans at work. they drive me nuts!