8:12 p.m. on 2003-10-07
Not bubbly anymore

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People need to learn to grow up and calm down.

that's all I have to say. A friend of mine is ticked at me because of a comment I made today about plans that she's making for her bf's birthday. There's a bus going, and I thought that we weren't taking a bus and staying in the area. The bus will not leave to come home until 430am. There is no way in hell I am staying out that late...well, no that's not it. What if I want to go home. I can't if I'm on the bus. So I said that I would drive myself and another comment was made. Thank god for email...you don't have to hear people bitch and you can choose not to answer the email.

A woman I used to work with stopped by my office today. It was good to see her, she was sick for awhile, and had a lot going on, but she has been back to work and steadily making improvements. We were talking about how our lives were and what not, and of course I was asked if I had a boyfriend. Reply was no. And she proceeded to discuss why I don't have a boyfriend. She said that I always was dating someone when I worked with her and why don't I have a boyfriend now. So I told her about Scott...she told me to ditch him now if I don't really care for him. I told her that I'm seeing what happens. She shook her head and said "not a good idea"...then she told me that my personality has changed. I'm not the same bubbly Jen that she used to know!...where that came from, I have no clue.

So now I will probably sit here and ponder why I am not so bubbly anymore and why I can't find a boyfriend...

yea right, that will last 5 minutes. yea and I'm supposed to get a visit from my friend carlos..aka my period. so I'll probably flip out one day this week about something and have some sort of crying breakdown..and the next day I'll be fine and wonder why I am such a spaz. yea. I spaz alot lately when I get my period. what is with that.

enough about that. I have to read a book for class tomorrow...but I think I'll save it for the train ride tomorrow to school.

night for now.