7:12 pm on 10-07-04
Blah Thursday

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Last night I went up to bed kind of late�and while I was tired, I just laid there and stared at the wall. And then I started to cry, and I don�t know why. I usually cry like that when I am tired and overworked and what not, so I guess that is my answer. This morning when I woke up my eyes were really puffy and I was exhausted. I functioned at work ok though. It was a pretty busy day.

The carpet in my office smells real bad. Every time someone walks in there, I get all nervous hoping that they don�t think it�s me. My favorite manager, who happens to be a man, was hanging out in my office today chatting with me, and he�s like, �it smells kind of funny in here��Yes, I know. I think it�s the carpet. Plus it�s been real hot and there is no air circulation�yadda yadda, no wonder I can�t breath at work and I always get headaches. I did email our Director of Housekeeping and told him what needed to be done�hasn�t been done yet.

I had to buy some wrapping paper and what not at Target today, so I also picked up two more girlie magazines. I am sure that I will have more deep and profound thoughts like my entry from yesterday.

Alright�.I can�t think. Maybe more later.