8:36 pm on 10-03-04
Sundays...means it's monday tomorrow ugh

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I�m feeling kind of crummy this evening. I think I should have rested more than I did this weekend. Saturday during the day I bummed around, did some studying and what not, and then last night I went to my aunt�s house for dinner. My cousins from out of state were in with their new baby, so everyone went over. I had planned on meeting some friends out last night, but I got really bad cramps last night and just decided to head home and go to bed. This morning I woke up and I felt great.

I had talked to one of my personal ad guys on Thursday night and he asked if I wanted to get together over the weekend for dinner. I told him that I wouldn�t be able to on Friday or Saturday, but I told him that today would be doable. He asked if I would just call him this morning to confirm that we were still on. And we were. He actually lives about 5 minutes away from me, but we decided to meet for a late lunch at this restaurant about 20 minutes away. When I got there, I was actually pretty nervous for some reason. I had a good time. We talked about a lot of stuff, he�s a police officer and works on this gang unit. And it turns out he knows my friend that has cancer. So then we started talking about all that and how life is crazy sometimes. So we finished eating, he paid, and wouldn�t even let me leave a tip, which was very nice of him. He had asked if I wanted to go to this bar by our house and grab a drink, but I told him that I had to run to Target to get a baby shower gift and that I wouldn�t be able to join him for the drink. Well he must have liked the conversation he had with me because he offered to go to Target with me and then we could get a drink. I kind of hesitated and said he really didn�t have to, but he said he wanted to. So I said ok and thought to myself��I�m going to take my time at the store and not worry about rushing and what not��He was so funny, because when we walked into target, he says, �don�t we have to go to that kiosk thing to get a list�..I chuckled and said that I had printed one offline. He replied with, �good thinking�. It was fun shopping with him. We left about an hour later with a bouncy vibrating chair thingy and some blankets and stuff. Plus he carried the stuff to my car for me. Major points. We then drove separately to the bar, had one drink and then left. He gave me a hug and said thanks, and he hopes that we can hang out again.

He�s a cute guy. And he smelled good too. He�s very polite, and obviously nothing seems to phase him. I don�t know if I can see myself dating him, but I would definitely like to hang out with him again. He can definitely make me laugh and smile and that�s what I need.

When I got home though, I felt a little crampy�it�s gotten worse, so I don�t know if I�ll go into work tomorrow or not. I think I walked too much today or something and it just made it worse.

I don�t even have any deep or profound thoughts today. Oh except a coworker of mine, his sister died the other night from cancer. I did not find out about until today, and I feel bad that I am not able to make the wake. It is almost 45 minutes away. She was a young woman and had been diagnosed with lung cancer a short while ago. It was pretty advanced�and there really wasn�t any hope for her. Now stuff like that makes me sad. God and his ways can be so undeserving sometimes�.but that is the way he works, and things happen for a reason�and there is a reason for her.