10:22 pm on 09-01-04
oh heavens how do I ring this up?

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Eminem boy has got to go away. That�s enough of him today. (shaking my head) I should have never given him my email address�never ever. STUPID notalptrixie, stupid stupid girl. All together now � �YOU�RE STUPID!� thanks.

So over the weekend, some guy in Georgia got his head sliced from his body. He was supposedly hanging his head out of the window because he was sick from drinking so much and his friend, the driver, was also very drunk. From what I have read, they drove past some electric pole with a line down or something and the wire sliced the guys head right off. So the friend (driver) proceeds to keep driving with his friends body in the car still, and he goes home and goes to bed passing out. What the fuck is that all about?! How drunk do you have to be to not realize that someone�s headless body is sitting in the seat next to you. Come on now. I really don�t understand it. So now the guy is in jail and I read today that the parents of the kid whose head was sliced off are pleading to have the driver released from jail. What?! No way, I don�t care how much you care for the kid because he�s your dead sons best friend, he was drunker obviously than all hell, and therefore that is the reason why your son is dead. People, I swear.

So yea, Kobe�s charges have been dropped. Tell ya the truth, the girl probably lied. We�re stupid and bitchy like that sometimes.

Some random engineering guy at my work today walked into my office and asked me where I had been. He thought I quit. Nope still here. He�s kind of cute in a 40 year old man kind of way. His wife died of cancer a couple of years ago. Kind of sad.

Oh yea, and I read an article today about �Intimate Partner Violence�, I guess spousal abuse just doesn�t cut it anymore. So anyway, some number, like 8% of men have claimed to have been raped before�I had to think about that one a minute after I read it, and it was like the lightbulb went on�sodomy. Jesus.

I�m getting geared up for the 4 day weekend, then � day, then pre-planned sick day. Funny thing is that I have no plans except some luau thing on Sunday. Gotta bust out the coconut bra and grass skirt. Funny site.

Oh yea, and I went and got a salad for dinner and the guy who was taking my order was cracking me up. �oh heavens how do I ring this up? Hellloooo can anyone help me? Anyone? Anyone?� I was dying. And he couldn�t figure out how much change to give me because he rang up the wrong amount and he states, �a freaking calculator would be nice in situations like this�. I cannot think why I found it so amusing, but it was.