9:45 pm on 08-29-04
crabby sundays to be eliminated

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Edited monday afternoon- I do realize that my new layout may look weird in some browsers. I believe it works best in ie 5.0 or higher without a flat screen. I will never understand why I can never get those things right. If only I had my book.

I noticed more and more lately that I am relatively crabby on Sundays. I have no clue why that is.

I chatted online with canislupos the other night. What a cool guy. Too bad he lives in boston otherwise he would definitely make a good hang out buddy. : )

Thursday night I went out with some people from work to a local bar for a �sortof� benefit. It was an ok time. I was planning on staying out late considering I did not have to work on Friday, but I was home early. I took my car in on Friday morning because there was a recall on it. The service guy asked me if I bought my letter with me and I said no. He said, �well you obviously didn�t read the letter�. Whatever dude. The letter said that there could be a possible problem with my brakes and that I should call the dealership to make an appointment. I even came home and looked at the letter, and no where did it say that I was supposed to bring the letter with me. Asshole.

I saw little black book Friday night. Not the most interesting movie, went kind of slow, but oh well. And towards the end of the movie I had to pee so freaking bad, I was dying for the movie to end so I could get to the bathroom.

Last night I went to friends house to celebrate the birthday of another friend. I had a real good time. Although my friends can be weird sometimes, they really are a good group of people and I don�t know why I say the things that I do about them sometimes. I can�t help it if they don�t want to go out and sit at a bar. There really is no point in it either sometimes. And I know that no matter what happens, they would be there for me at the drop of a hat. My friend Joe says to me last night that he thought I fell off the face of the earth. He said, �you hang out with that a!!state guy way too much� (this is reference to J).

See, your friends get drunk and they tell you how they really feel. Yea. I am going to be working with this guy on developing a website for our friends and their company. So I am actually excited about that. D smacked my ass so hard that I actually have a red mark on it today. And it�s pretty sore. I called him to bitch at him but he wasn�t home. I had a very deep conversation with lawyer boy last night too. He really has been nice to me the last couple of times that I have seen him. He said, �you know that I really like you notalptrixie. Even though it may seem that I can�t stand you, I like you, you are a cool chic. That is why we keep you as our friend� and then he laughed. So I know it�s all good. He has a job offer as a public defender. Right now he is working at some malpractice firm�.I don�t know if he is going to take this job as a public defender. I don�t think he would be able to do it. I guess it would be some good experience for him, but he is still toying with the decision. I really don�t even know how those two types of law compare to each other. We shall see what he does.

I went out this afternoon to my cousins house. She now lives less than one mile away from me, so I took a walk there. I get there and her boyfriend and a bunch of his friends are there and they all decided that they were going to go out for a ride on the Harleys. H said she was going to go too, and I said that I would go home and talk to her later. My sister�s ex boyfriend was there and he said that I didn�t need to go home, that I could ride with him. So my Sunday afternoon was spent on the back of a harley. We went and got something to eat and just rode around. I had a lot of fun. I had never done that long of a ride before, and it was such a great sunny day and it took the crabbiness away from me.

So maybe I need a boyfriend with a motorcycle to take me on Sunday afternoon rides to eliminate my Sunday crabbiness.