10:35 pm on 07-30-04
the old me is back ...for now at least

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I have not written since Sunday, but the normal me is back. I had a doctors appointment on Monday. Basically, I have a script for some meds if I feel that I need them to get me out of this funk. I was told to sleep more, eat better, lose some weight, exercise, blah blah� Like I didn�t know that already.

My last entry was some sort of rebuttal to j�s entry. I was pissed when I wrote that entry, but the weird thing is that I cannot figure out what exactly made me mad. I am definitely a different person than I was last week and the week before. I cried Wednesday morning and that was the last time this week that I did cry. I was glad that I haven�t felt like crying in the last two days.

Tuesday night J and I went to dinner. It was a good time. I was actually embarrassed by something he had said to me, and I don�t really get embarrassed either. He said that when we were having sex that night and I started to cry and give him shit that it was hot. I was like what are you talking about and he said that he didn�t get soft from it. Oh how embarrassing. And we did fool around after dinner. And that was that.

Last night I had a work party to go to, and I arrived to my front door at who knows when. I didn�t wear my watch so I have no clue what time I got home. I had to valet park my car last night because the bar we were meeting at was ultra crowded. I walk out of the bar and start digging for my ticket for the valet and the guy goes, �new grand prix, right?�. I said �it�s not a good thing when you know what car I am driving�� I found that really weird that he knew what car I had considering I had gotten to the bar around 6pm and it was now probably 1am or something. And then I waited an awfully long time for them to bring me my car. There were probably over 500 people at this bar. The place was packed. But it was a great time.

I woke up this morning not feeling so good. I didn�t eat much yesterday, so that could have been a reason. I had a gyne appointment this morning. I waited about an hour while I was there. Everything was good. I talked to him about my mood swings and how there is a drastic change in my behavior lately, so he gave me a script for birth control pills. I�ll start them when I start my next period and we�ll take note of how my moods are then. I hope that helps.

Other than that, nothing going on. I slept a lot today, and I think that I needed it. I have a busy weekend, and it will go by quickly for sure.