5:53 pm on 07-25-05
I must succeed at follow through

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I�m not good with follow through. I�ve been meaning for the past three weeks to work on these invitations to a party that I am having at the end of August. Well I have the invites done. (after 500 attempts of creativity) and I have the labels done, but only half of them have addresses on them. I think I will have the labels done tomorrow. I can then email them to work and print at work. Yea. Laser printers are the best. Hopefully I will remember to bring the printed labels home with me so that I can put them on the envelopes. And then I will try to make it to the post office to mail the suckers by Thursday. Now, one may ask why I just didn�t do an eVite? Well 74.32% of my friends/party invitees are goofy and hardly ever check their emails unless it�s sent through work. 43.45% of those 74.32% have spam blockers/web watchers that will not allow them to access the evite. Therefore paper and stamps is the way to go. 86.3% of them already know about it, so yea.

All of my conversations today consisted of me speaking three words, a coughing spat of about 2 minutes and then another three words. Allergies or something, but my chest and back are really hurting from all the coughing.

I also fell out of my chair today at work. I sat down on it after I had gotten back from who knows what and it kind of wobbled. So I leaned over to check it out and I saw nothing. So a couple of minutes later I went to go roll the chair back to put something on the other side of my desk. This is where the chair gets stuck on the floor covering and tips over with me in it. All I could do was laugh. It turns out that one of the wheels had fallen off (don�t ask because I don�t know how) and that�s why I tipped over. So I went to go roll it down to maintenance to have them look at it when one of the guys was coming down the hall. I told him to take it down for me and he asks what had happened. I should have just said that the wheel fell off somehow, but no, I had to tell the whole story and make myself look like a moron. He laughed and said he�d be back later. So then about an hour later, two other maintenance guys show up and the one opens my office and is laughing his ass off. I told him it was so nice to see that he was amused by me. And instead of one new wheel, they gave me five! Score. Now I don�t have to worry about killing myself. And plus, the wheels look like they have rims on them, sparkling, shiny chrome covers. I am the bomb.

Later in the day, I was in the elevator (riding to the 3rd floor when I should have taken the stairs) and I get to my floor and the doors won�t open. They would open about 2 inches and then jerk a little bit and then close. They continued to do this about 6 times. I thought I was going to die. I was hitting all sorts of buttons and nothing was happening. Outloud I was saying, �Aw come on already, fucking let me out�. It was quite amusing I am sure for the Security department who was watching on their cameras. Therefore when the doors finally opened, I looked up at the cameras and gave them a little salute. Come back to my office with a voicemail, �having fun on the elevator nota?�. Yes, it was Monday Amusement provided by Notalptrixie today.

My youngest sister�s graduation party was this weekend. It was good, but hot. I went out afterwards and proceeded to drink three martinis. Alcoholic. Like I didn�t drink enough at the party. But, hey, one can never pass up free drinks.
The personal ad guy who I thought was cool is a stroke. Somewhere along the lines of our im conversation he decided that he doesn�t want to talk to me anymore. Sheesh. What is that all about?? Oh well, I don�t need a boyfriend anyways. Maybe I should just look for another fuck buddy. It�s so much easier that way, just as long as I don�t become good friends with him like I did Justin and let my emotions get involved.

I haven�t worked out since Wednesday, and that is due to an upset stomach and now that I cannot do anything without non-stop coughing spats. If I did 20 minutes on the elliptical, I�d probably vomit or cough up a lung.

Some guy was in the er today with a hard on that wouldn�t go away. That had to suck.

I am wearing a shirt right now that says, �Stinky�s Pub�. Leave it to Old Navy for such things.

My favorite bra busted today. The underwire came out of it. But I decided to fix it and I sewed it with some hot pink thread. Who cares, no one is going to see it anyway.

I�m going to set a new goal of attempting to write something at least 4 times a week. Let�s see how well I do.