10:44 pm on 07-19-05
Why did Tigger stick his head in the toilet bowl?

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So I ended the relationship with Interpol boy about a week ago and everyday since last Monday (well everyday that he worked) he walked past my office and didn�t stop, but looked through the glass window to see if I was there. My office door opens right to a main hallway and I usually keep it closed, but there�s this little window space, a like a foot high and 6 inches wide. Like I don�t see you. Sheesh. So I decided to call him and see if he wanted to go to lunch yesterday. He was pretty excited about it until he saw that one of my friends from work was with me. Sigh. He�ll get over it hopefully, but at least lunch was good.

So I decided to put a personal ad online back up and I received three emails the other day. When it rains it pours. One guy seemed pretty cool, so we�ve emailed each other a couple of times. Now it�s a matter of connecting messenger wise. And then we�ll see about phone number exchanges.

Saturday evening I went downtown to see the opening ceremony thing for the �Out of the Darkness� walk. My little sister was walking in this 20 mile walk to raise money for suicide awareness and prevention. It was a very emotional event. I could not believe the amount of people who were there to participate in the walk. Let alone the number of people who�s lives have been altered due to depression/suicide. My mom and I were sitting on the grass just hanging out and I started balling. I couldn�t help it. There was a group of about 20 people near us, most seemed to be in their mid 20�s and they all had the same t-shirt on with a picture of this young guy. It was amazing to see that such a large group of people came together in the memory of one person. I think that�s when I really lost it. My little sister was crying a lot, but it wasn�t like you really couldn�t help it. It was just one of those things. She and her group of friends raised just under $20,000.00 so I give her so much props for that!! She said that this walk was her closure to Mike�s death, and in thinking about it, it almost seems like it was the beginning of something that I need to deal with. I feel like I really haven�t dealt with his death in the last year and a half, I�ve kind of just pushed it to the back burner, know what I mean? I talk about it when asked, but I don�t deal with it. It�s hard to explain. Oh no, who knows what my mind will be thinking about now.

I went and looked at a condo today. Sweet, but it�s at the top of my limit, plus the assessments are about $175 per month. I don�t freaking think so~! I have to buy something soon, or my pre-approval will wear out or something and I�ll have to go through the whole process again. I should just stay at home until I finish school.

I�ve begun a workout regime. But of course blew it today because after I went and looked at the condo, I met my aunt for dinner. I had two glasses of wine, bruschetta, salad and pasta. No dessert. Good thing. But now I am stuffed! Ugh.