9:35 pm on 06-23-04
whatever happened to policy abiding employees?

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Today I went to another office to get some petty cash, and when I walked in there, the women who answered the door was wearing track pants, a tank top, a hooded sweatshirt and some weird shoes. I thought to myself, �wow, real professional��It seems that no one abides by that dress code written in our handbooks. So on Friday, I�m going to wear open toe, backless sandals, Capri pants, no pantyhose, and probably a sleeveless shirt. In my place, you either wear scrubs in the clinical side, or business casual in executive/administration. Who knows what these people are thinking when they dress for work. And I am sure that there bosses say not a thing, but at the same time, I bet they do a great job and I guess if they are wearing clothes that are somewhat decent and clean�it really doesn�t matter. I�m betting that people will make comments. I don�t care. I don�t have any meetings that day, I�m only working until 11:30am and I�ll still look nice. (I can�t believe I�m bitching about what people wear to work)

I was at the store today and I saw this really cute bra, so I decided to buy it, and when I was driving home, I thought, �now why did I buy that, no one except me is going to see it.��.J might see it, but not like it would matter if I wore cute underware or not, he wouldn�t say something like, �oh that�s cute��he didn�t even tell me I looked nice at the wedding. All of my other guy friends managed a �you look insert flattering comment here�. So learn a lesson J�give a girl a compliment every once in awhile. Although, it could just be me though that he doesn�t compliment.

My boss is pretty cool lately. She�s working on getting me some more money. She states that I don�t make enough money, and that the Human Resources department should be banned. Hell yea. I hate that department�especially the director..we could do without that person.

Crosstown Classic between white sox and cubs is this weekend at comiskey. Three game series, and I am going to two of them. It will be great! And the weather will be good too�last year at this time, it was about 100 degrees out and we fried at the game. This weekend it�s only supposed to be about 72 degrees.

I need some more deep, life pondering thoughts to come to mind. I observe a lot and take a lot in, but I never really analyze it. I should make that a summer goal�.and I have about 2 and � months until classes start again, so that leaves me with plenty of time to ponder.