10:07 pm on 06-19-05
I�m distracted and can�t write anymore.

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I haven�t been around lately. I�ve been pretty busy and enjoying the free time I have acquired since completing finals a week ago. I did extremely well in both classes, so that was a plus. It was a terribly hard and time consuming quarter. Another week of that and I probably would have snapped.

James became mad at me the other day because I was asked by a guy friend of mine to attend one of the cubs/sox games next weekend. And I am also going to another one of the games, which he is going to�so I don�t know what his problem is. I told him this at lunch on Friday and he became really quiet and had this pissed off look on his face. I do not have time for jealously, none what so ever. I rectified the situation by spending �quality� time with him on Friday night. We rented a couple of movies and he cooked dinner. It was actually very nice. There are several pros and cons to this whole relationship with him. And neither of them outweigh the other. I am still at a loss at where my future is with him. The more time I spend with him though, the more attached he becomes. I really hope he doesn�t flip out when classes start again and he realizes that he cannot spend as much time with me.

I went condo shopping yesterday. I met with a realtor and I�ve begun the pre-approval process and she doesn�t see a problem with me getting approved for a decent amount. The fact of the matter is can I afford it?? This is a big step, I mean really big. I want to buy something, but I really don�t think I should at this time in my life. I�m one year from completing school and who knows what will happen after that. I�m going to have major loans to pay off when I finish�and all that other crap. At least I don�t have any credit card debt. I�d rather $25 grand in school loans than credit card debt.

I had an interview this past week and the guy who interviewed me left me a message on Friday afternoon asking me to call and set up a second interview. The salary is only a couple of thousand more than what I am making now and the commute for me would be almost an hour one way. Do I want to commit to something like that, especially since I am still in school? I don�t want to move up where the company is just because I don�t want to. I don�t even know why I applied for the damn job. Sigh.

So yesterday I went to one friend�s house for his annual summer party and then I went to another friend�s for a housewarming party. His new place is so nice and I was pretty jealous. And I got pretty drunk too last night. I haven�t done that in awhile and I felt kind of crummy this morning. Aleve and vitamins do the trick. James went with me last night and I�m glad that he gets along so well with my friends. Lawyer boy got a bottle of mad dog for a gift (no clue why)�but someone opened it and we drank it. The only other two girls there were passed out on the couches and neither of them were drinking. I am glad that I am not like that. I can party like the rest of them.

I�m distracted and can�t write anymore.