10:29 pm on 05-29-05
I need some sort of diary inspiration.

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Fucking hormones. I am wacked out and have been for the past couple of days, but it�s in a good way, not a bad way (well today I was a little cranky, but I think that is related to lack of sleep and an overabundance of alcohol intake this weekend). I bailed out on a party today because all I wanted to do was sit on the couch and watch movies�my brain needed a good rest today.

Friday I was out with curly and the way we were going led us past interpol�s house, so we decided to stop by. He was out doing yard work and what not. So we�re standing there and he was really sweaty and smelled of man, but I wasn�t turned off by the smell. For some weird reason it made me want to jump him even more, and I am sure if curly wasn�t with me, it would have happened. So we stayed for a little bit and we were on our way. Later that night Interpol and I were over at curly�s house with some people. Her husband had gotten home late from work and he had the man smell going on too. Although I didn�t want to jump him. What was funny was that he went to take a shower and curly says to me, �I totally love when he comes home from work and he smells like he�s been outside working all day, makes me want to fuck the crap out of him��.Well ok then, I guess I�m not the only one who feels that way.

Pol (that�s what I am calling Interpol boy from now on) tells me in a drunken stupor last night that his best friend asked him to videotape him and his girlfriend having sex. Whoa. Too much information pol. All I replied with was, �Interesting, I have to go to the bathroom� How the hell am I supposed to respond to that? Yet at the same time, I am totally intrigued by the whole thing. I am secretly wishing that he will ask me to go with. I don�t know if he remembers saying that to me because he didn�t mention it today �if it happens, fellow diarylanders will be sure to know (maybe).

I did not attempt to do any work for my class this weekend. I said fuck it, I�ve had enough. It only means that I will be working a lot this week on it.

That�s about it. I feel as if I have neglected this for awhile. But I think it�s been about a week since I last wrote. And I really don�t have anything interesting to say. I�ve noticed that I usually bitch more often that just writing interesting stuff or about various escapades. I could talk about sex, but nah. That�s not my style. Although this is funny.

Last night when we were waiting for my car at the valet, there�s this drunk guy sitting out there wondering where his car is at. The door guy/bouncer is telling him that he can�t drive and that he�s not getting his keys because he was passed out on the bench. The guy then says, �what the fuck is with people today?� Some cop busted me out earlier for sleeping in my car, I passed out from drinking earlier�. HELLO! Fucknut. Talk about fucked up. It was nice to see though that the bouncer guys weren�t going to give him his keys.