8:23 pm on 05-09-04
I puked...I never do that

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Once again, Sunday night. My weekend was pretty full, as it seems to have been a lot lately. Friday night, I ran to do a couple of errands and worked on some homework. I talked to J and asked him to come to the wedding with me. He said ok. I decided that I would like to take someone with me�just because, you know.

We�ll be staying at a hotel, and I told him about how two of our friends at the last wedding at a hotel, scammed and said that they had booked rooms to sleep in, but when 3am rolled around and everyone was drunk, they said that they had never booked any room and needed somewhere to sleep. There is no way that I am letting any of them share a room with me. Nope. Nada. And I certainly would not want to impose that on J either. He�ll probably be sitting at the table with all of our friends who are not in the wedding�so I am sure that he will be fine. He can certainly hold his own.. I just hope that none of my friends ask him too many questions or something like that.

Saturday, M and I went to purchase the shower gift and all of that. She came over and we printed the bachelorette party invites, we booked the stripper, and that was about it. We spent over $300.00 on the shower gift, and all it consisted of was bathroom stuff: a couple of towels, some washcloths, soap dish, toothbrush holder, etc. etc. I was telling my dad about all we bought and I told him that the wastebasket was $40.00. He said what the hell, that garbage can better be emptying itself for 40 bucks. M and I had gone out to lunch and we were talking about all the money that we had spent on everything. I have not been so involved with a wedding before like this. And to make it even worse, vacation is coming up this week and I need money for that. So to be shelling out all this money�whew. I can�t wait until it�s all over.

Last night I ended up just going to M�s house to hang out. It originally was just me, M, her husband and our friend T who were there. Then konerko(the husband) gets a call from D, our friend. D and D (brothers) were going to go to some virtual golf thing, and konerko decided to go with. He said it was just a guy thing, and we said we didn�t care because we were just planning on sitting around doing nothing, and didn�t feel like getting dressed nice to go out. Well it turns out that the 2 guys girlfriends went with too. God, those girls are so attached at the hips to their boyfriends it is not funny. So, M, T and I got plastered and then everyone came over around 1am. We started a fire pit in the yard (like we did all last summer) and the neighbors called the cops on us. Come on, we weren�t even being loud. We are always well mannered when we�re outside and it�s late at night. So the cops left and told us to keep it down and what not and then not more than one hour later, they came by AGAIN! Jesus. We�re all adults acting responsibly, enjoying the fire pit on a cool night. God. So we had to close that down.

Lawyer boy was there last night and he apologized for being an ass last weekend. At least he was nice to me this weekend. I think we have a love hate relationship.

I got home at around 5am, and got up at 11am to go and do some more errands. I came home and my head was killing me so I laid down for about an hour. I woke up and puked. Ugh. So I took some advil, and laid back down for a couple of hours. I feel great now. I never freaking puke�never, so I don�t know what my deal is.

So now I just finished up some homework, I�m going to work on some more. I decided to wait and pack on Wednesday night. There really wasn�t a reason for me to pack tonight except for the fact that I wanted to be ready. Oh well, Wednesday night will be fine.