10:39 pm on 04-22-04
injured elbow and questioning thoughts

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I got googled for �diaryland vibrator��.that is one of the most interesting googles I have ever had. I�m happy for lostmystic , she seems to be so happy and in love. Now if we could all only feel that way.

So today, I emailed below and told him that we should play a joke on someone and he suggested that we email J and act as if below is mad at him for something. Why in the hell I did this, I don�t know. It�s very lame now that I think about it.

I�ve decided to attend the wedding by myself. Not because banker is going to be there, I just feel like not bringing a date. My friend has also been complaining about how the room she has can only hold so many people, and she has so and so many people coming, and all that other wedding crap. It would be a totally different story if I was seriously dating someone, or if I was married, but I am none of those, so there�s no need for a date. Does that sound ok?

Who knows, there might be a single guy there that I might just find interesting�and I will have a room at the hotel and all wink wink.

I don�t think I care for the fact anymore that J can read my diary. Sometimes I just feel like writing things, and not anything pertaining to him, but just things that I want to write about, but don�t want anyone I know knowing about them. You know what I mean??

Maybe I�ll password it and give the password out to only you guys, but then I like when I get new readers too�that�s always fun.

I hurt my elbow yesterday and it hurt terribly all day today, but now it seems to feel rather fine.

yea, and I am supposed to make some new images for belows website....but I don't really feel like doing it. Maybe when I am really really bored, I'll do it. Although J has asked for my help, not like my input matters, I just have the program to make the images.

I have a relatively busy weekend. Tomorrow I am supposed to go out with my cousin, but part of me wants to cancel because tonight, instead of studying I laid in bed and watched tv. And I have plans all day Saturday, and then a party to go to Saturday night. I guess I could study Sunday�but we all know how that goes.

So maybe something interesting will happen this weekend and I will have a good story to write about.