9:21 pm on 04-08-04
That pain in the ass bump

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You know what I hated about today? Well, let me tell you. I have one of those pain in the ass pimples on the god damned bridge of my nose! You know what I�m talking about, the ones that hurt like a bitch, but there�s nothing in there! Ugh. And my glasses kept on sliding down and hitting the bump and irritating the piss out of me. So to solve the problem, it was out after work for some drinks. That�s always a good cure.

I found out the other day that a friend of mine is moving back home to her parents home in another state because she didn�t pass the bar. That sucks. So I guess she�s leaving Monday or something, so we�re all planning to go out with her this weekend. Of course, she has a boyfriend here and they are both very upset. But I guess that�s the way life goes sometimes.

I�ve been rather email chatty with Below lately. And the conversations aren�t as sarcastic as they used to be. He is a rather nice guy. But that�s as far as that�ll go. I don�t think I can think about dating him or anything�and I really didn�t like the way he kissed either, but whatever. He�s a cool guy.

One of the help desk people have been working on my computer for the past three days, and they always seem to be there when I get some sort of email that does not pertain to work. And of course, they have to be working on my Outlook because it is not functioning properly. Oh well.

I have not grown balls yet to email banker guy. I talked to S tonight, and she told me that I should do it tomorrow�but I think tomorrow might be somewhat of a national holiday or something, so if he didn�t email me back I would sit at my desk all day wondering if he�s at work and not replying or wondering if he is off for the day. Therefore I will email him next week, maybe. It�s just a matter of deciding what to write in the email. I can be short and sweet, or I can say something to the effect about how I heard that I am not supposed to bring a date to the wedding or something. See what he says.

Anyone have any suggestions on what I should say???

I feel like I�ve been married for a million years or something, and that I don�t know how to approach this situation. Obviously it�s because I think I like banker, and maybe I always had in the back of my mind, and now that the opportunity has presented itself�it�s just weird.

Or maybe I�ve just been content with the fact that the past 4 years I have been able to have sex pretty much whenever I wanted, therefore I never really made much of an effort to seriously pursue men? I swear, I am goofy sometimes.

And then, Tuesday night when I was at school, I swear I saw JG, an ex bf of mine, but if it was him, he had lost a considerable amount of weight. He looked at me like he knew me, and I glanced and kept on walking and didn�t turn around to look. Maybe I will see him again this Tuesday.

I�ve been working on some ideas for the bachelorette party and wedding shower for my friend. And while I am productive with those projects, I am obviously not very productive with my workout initiative. I sit here now, glancing up from my work, to see my 6 lb dumbbells laying on the floor across the room.

10 Minutes!! That�s all it will take! 10 minutes�but no, I just sit there and continue to type as I stare at the eggplant colored weights. One day�I will get motivated. And it better be sooner than later.

Oh no, 9/11 movie on Sunday night. Should I watch it or not???