7:44 p.m. on 2004-01-04
We have snow...finally

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Oh I am the most excited that I have ever been in my whole entire 27 years. Ok, strike that, maybe this is the most excitement that I have had since I woke up this morning. I played a scratch off ticket and won 50 bucks. I rock. Scratch off tickets are addictive. I played one a couple of weeks ago, and while I have not become addicted yet, I do find myself taking a short detour to the White Hen and purchasing one. And let me tell you, 6 inches of snow won't stop me either. Hey. who cares, I am 50 bucks richer...well only 38.37 because I had to go to Walgreens.

Yes, snow, wonderful snow. Thank god for garages. It is hard for someone who is barely 5 feet tall to clean off her car when there is 6 feet of snow on the ground. But my car looks beautiful.

Yea, it's January in CHicago, and this is the first time this winter that we have gotten a good snow! What the hell is with that!? I love snow, and now I have to wait until January to get it?! We need to seriously consider changing the seasons around. Summer should last until November, Fall start and ends in December and then winter can start in January. The last couple of years, that seems to be more of the way it's gonna be.

I made a trip to the health club today, yea me. People have no shame, that's for sure. My health club seems to attract alot of "larger" black women. Now, I give them so much credit, because they have more balls than I do. There all out there in their tank tops and spandex leggings, with all of it hanging out and they are laughing and having a good ol time. While I am trying to run on the treadmill, bitching about my shin splints and cursing at the idea of wearing a strapless dress for this wedding in September. But that's ok,. I did good today. 30 minutes on the treadmill and some weights. All I care about is getting my arms toned up. That is the easiest thing to. I am also watching what I eat. Some cereal for breakfast, some grilled onions and peppers for luinch (which were extremely awesome I might add) and some chicken for dinner. My splurge of the day was some coffee from Starbucks. not the greatest thing, but oh well.

I am planning on writing every day, or at least 4-5 times per week in my spectacular diaryland diary. We'll see how far that gets. Although I ahve been doing pretty well, spelling mistakes and all. I have to see how my classes are and how much studying and what not I am gonna have to be doing. M

So I looked at the people who listed me as their favourites, and someone put my as theirs with a comment. I read the comment and it said (something like this) "don't you hate when someone has a clever banner and they fail to deliver"...I was like what the fuck, if you don't like it, don't read it, and certainly don't list me as a favorite. SO I left a little note for this reader, and I guess I took the comment all wrong. That was not meant at all. Yea.

Well, I think that's it for today. Last season of Sex and the CIty begins tonight....So I am off to watch that. It is one of my favorite (and few) shows that I watch.

Oh and I want to thank my great neighbor who snow blowed behind my garage so I could get into the alley. He rocks!