9:04 pm on 03-06-05
Another weekend come and gone...

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Weekends go by way too quick. Friday night I spent with my with M, her husband and our friend richy rich. We went to dinner and for some drinks. The guys are hilarious, they call each other every hour. Obviously out of boredom or something. After dinner, the guys hung out for a little bit, payed the bill, and then took off to go to another bar. M and I stayed and had another drink and then left to meet the guys. The bar we went to was one that we haven�t been to in awhile, and we had an awesome time. There was this 40 something woman who was terribly drunk and hanging all over some guy at the bar. And by this time, it wasn�t even 10:30pm. She was totally grinding into the guy and the next thing we see is his hand going up her shirt and grabbing her boobs. M and I were dying, it was hysterical. So then we�re sitting there, gaping with our mouths open (like we�d never seen this before) and the girl unzips the guy�s pants and sticks her hand in there! Yaw! Richy rich and commy then decided to stand up and block our view, they said our innocent eyes should not be subjected to such filth. M and I kept on yelling at them to move. It was pretty amusing. So throughout the night, we�re watching every guy in a five foot distance within this woman trying to get up on her. The four of us had bets on who she would be leaving the bar with. And surprisingly, she left with the same guy she was originally groping when we got there.
The four of us then decided to bust a move. I am sure that was another hilarious sight, but we were having an awesome time.

In the bathroom one point in the evening, there were these two girls in the bathroom having the following conversation:
Ghetto B: �girl, what�s up with you and that fine ass man?�
Wanna be: �oh girl, I�m getting yo ass up in that fiiinnnnneee marine ass boy from south Carolina! Yo�
Ghetto B: �Oh we be getting us some fine ass white boys down by the ocean��.

Ok, funny thing was that they were white girls obviously trying to act like black girls or something. Pretty funny stuff.

So I got home at almost 3am. AH! Late night. I was up early on Saturday, I have a big project for my asp.net class and I wanted to get a head start on it. I ran a couple of errands and worked on it for most of the afternoon. I then took a nap. Something I haven�t done on the weekends in a long time.

Last night I went to M�s house. A group of us got together, had some beer and played cards. Commy, M�s husband, is the shit. He�s always doing something funny to make me laugh. During the winter he likes to grow a beard because he works outside and it keeps his face warm. Well it had gotten to the point where he looked pretty bad. M had done everything in her power to try and get him to shave it off and he just wouldn�t do it. So one day I was driving down state street and I saw a billboard for the company that commy works for. The ad was with an actual worker from the company with some cheesy quote. So I tell M that she has to tell commy that they are doing a �model search� for the next billboard guy, but that he certainly wouldn�t be picked because of the beard. Although he shaved it off, I think it was because we were annoying him about more than him believing our story about the �model search�. So anyway last night, commy says to me, �Nota, you gotta check this out, I�ll be right back��so we�re sitting in the kitchen and he goes into the room off the kitchen and closes the door. A couple of minutes later he comes busting out without a shirt on and wearing his �safety� jacket that he has to wear for work. And he had these kick ass safety glasses on too. I was laughing so hard that I started crying. Everyone was laughing more at me than at him. It was one of the funniest things that I had seen in a long time.

We then decided to play some drinking games. Here we are, some of us around 30 years old, and we�re sitting in playing drinking games on Saturday nights. But it�s not always what you are doing, but who you are doing it with. We played asshole and three man. Three man is the worst game ever, I always get stuck being three man and end up getting plastered. At one point of the game, the three of us girls had taken our bras off because someone made a stupid rule that every time threeman was rolled, anyone who was wearing a bra had to drink too. I was pretty toasted by the end of that game. Lawyer boy, who I always says hates me, but really doesn�t, was pretty touchy feely with me last night. He now cracks me up. It�s only taken him four years to open up to me.

So that about sums up my alcohol filled weekend. I slept in today, drove around looking for some townhouses and condos and then did a little studying (about 2 minutes worth). Tomorrow starts the ultra no eating out, working out every other day kick that I am starting. Let�s see how long this one lasts.