9:54 pm on 03-03-05
Life is really throwing crap around lately

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People are way too obsessed with this jen scheft and the bachelorette show. IT�S OVER! Stop looking up about it and stop sending me nasty emails because I knocked. Geez.

My garage door broke sometime within the last month. Didn�t discover it until today when the fucker wouldn�t work. Talked to my dad, he basically had a kiniption fit, but oh well. Now we have to get a good deal on a garage door, because you know, those things are somewhat pricey. Yea.

Classes for the quarter are ending, and in fact, I�m sitting in class right now, obviously not paying much attention. Oh well�boring. Next quarter I will be taking classes two afternoons during the week. That means I get to leave work early�yea. Although only early because I will need to get to class. Thank goodness I have a cool boss.

So today my boss asks me to come and meet with her. She begins to tell me about how the CEO wants me to take over a committee and make sure that the write information is being documented and properly. So the person who is the director over the committee was called and informed of this. I told my boss to leave in the message that I needed some information for the meeting coming up this Monday. So the woman calls my boss back and leaves her some message about the committee is working well and why change things. I can come to the meeting and take down notes on the meeting and that�s it. Hello, the freaking CEO wants me to take over it. Obviously she didn�t get that point when my boss left the message. I know this afternoon that my boss was meeting with the COO and CEO, so we�ll see tomorrow what was said about it. I thought I had control issues, but this woman obviously has major issues. And then her assistant has been a royal pain in my ass lately. I called her the other day asking for information and she says, �what do you need that information for?!�..in the snottiest voice ever, and I reply, �Obviously my boss wants it��that shut her up. I mean really, why in the hell would I want to know about that information that I asked for. I don�t care about it and you know I don�t. She is just one of those people, and then she�s always telling people about her problems, about the guys she is sleeping with and how she got some nasty infection after she slept with some guy. Hello! It�s called a condom. Sigh.

A friend of mine is going to have to have surgery. I don�t have the details yet, but it is part of the reason why she isn�t getting prego. I feel so bad for her because she and her husband would make awesome parents! Isn�t that what always happen though. I�m telling ya.

Hmmm�maybe I will write more later. For now, I must pay more attention.