7:05 pm on 02-29-04
Is loving someone the same as being in love with someone?

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I read some chapters for school last night, and searched classes and finally registered for next quarter. I will be taking classes on Monday and Thursday nights. I would love to keep a straight schedule throughout the whole year, like all classes on Tuesday and Thursdays, but it never happens. They never have the classes I want and on the nights I want them.

I was in bed by 1030pm last night. Sometimes it�s nice to just sit in and hang out by myself. My parents had people over last night, and thankfully, it wasn�t as loud as I thought it would be�but I guess that they were out on the back deck for awhile because it was nice out.

I was up early today, and I studied all day long. Not one break, well except to have a bagel, and at around 6pm I decided I had enough. I did get a substantial amount of work done for one class, but I still have work to do for my other class. I have the worst cramps ever. My period will start one day this week, but I feel so crummy today. And my hips hurt. I swear, sometimes when I have sex it�s like I�ve had my legs spread apart like that or something and then I ache for two days afterwards. Go figure. I guess the mild pain is worth it for the most part.

On Friday night, at J�s house, I was playing PacMan and chilling with Cali boy when he leans over and says so intently, �Is there a difference between love and being in love?��

�Of course there is!� was my reply. And of course, he wanted a reasonable justification to as why it is.

Me: �Do you love your friend Below?�

Cali: �Why yes I do.�

Me: �Are you in love with Below?�

Cali (after about 30 seconds of contemplation); �Why yes, I am��

I giggled, and said, �see, there is a difference��.He seemed pretty content with the answer, yet at the same time disturbed at the fact that there is a difference. I bet it all stemmed from his conversation with his girlfriend about 30 minutes prior to our conversation. When we got back from eating, Cali plops down in the middle of the room and starts talking on the phone to his girlfriend..J thought that was rude, and that he should have gone in another room, let alone not even talked to her while he was there. I tend to agree with J on this. Cali was in the middle of all the action. We couldn�t turn the music up loud, we couldn�t watch tv / playstation, let alone talk real loud. J tells me that this guy is relatively moody. Plus he was dressed a little too uptightly to be going out with us that night, but oh well.

So red was talking about blogs and what not on our way into the city, and I am beginning to wonder if he has one. I bet any money that he does! Maybe he found mine and J�s..although I don�t understand how he could�.I am on a mission to discover his blog.

I hope this week goes by as quickly as this past one did. I crave the arrival of the weekends..and I cannot believe that it is already March. Where does the time go. I am getting closer and closer to 28, and while I once had this life plan, and came no where near completing it by now�I realize now that I have different goals in life.

For the most part, I am satisfied with my life right now, and I am proud of myself for continuing to work towards my goals. Better late than never. I�ve had a good time doing it though. Some people say that in order to have a �good and happy� life, that you need a significant other. Is that really true though? I sometimes wonder that if I didn�t have the convenience of sleeping with someone like I do now�would I be dreadfully obsessed with the idea of finding a significant other? What if I had a significant other though? What if the fact that I have the option of sleeping with someone, for the most part, when it finds itself presented to me�and that has deterred me from meeting someone else?

Oh nevermind�the more I write about this, the more overanalyzing I�ll do and I�ll make myself crazy. Therefore, this is it for this entry�on to look for some apartments to scope out.