7:44 pm on 02-28-04
Keep it real, bitch

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FYI...this is long today.... And it's so much more interesting when told in person...so just have a vivid imagination, ok?

Ah yesterday was a beautiful day. And I only worked half day, so that was even better. Plus I was in the best mood ever.

So last night I went up to J�s house. First, let me give names that will be used throughout this entry, and who they all are:

Red � I�ve talked about him before; J � benefits buddy; the roommate � J�s roommate; Below � the friend of J�s that have hooked up with before, and two new people to add�both are Belows roommates � Cali and Joe.

So I get to J�s and we all go out to eat. And, of course, I am the only girl hanging out with the guys this night.. Which is fine by me.

So we go to the beer bar in the city�we have gone there a lot. I drove with Red and Cali. Red asked me if I liked J�I didn�t know why he asked me that, I said of course I like him, he�s my friend. He kind of looked at me, and I said, �I don�t know if there would ever be a relationship between us��

So at the beer bar, Joe, J, and Below show up after us, and they wouldn�t let J and Below in because the bar was at capacity. Now mind you, there was about 50 people in this place, and we�ve been there when the place has been jam packed. Don�t ask what was up with that. And some girls in the bathroom said that it had bar quality toilet paper�.I don�t know what they meant by that.

So then we hit the map bar. That place was cool. I made acquaintance with some girls in the bathroom again. I chit chatted with Red. He�s a funny guy. I chit chatted with Cali. His younger brother died suddenly last year. I told him, join the club, the same thing happened to me. So we talked about that for awhile. Below had a sour puss look on his face all night. Who knows what his problem is. I told J that he probably has a hard time meeting people because he doesn�t look approachable. The boys became extremely excited when a lesbian couple started making out at a table. I think they were even more excited because it was an actual lesbian couple, not just some stupid girls making out with each other because it�s the cool thing to do.

So then we hit the fibber bar. I love going to that bar. We�re all hanging out having a good time, and Joe is out dancing up a storm� well then all of the sudden Joe and the DJ come flying by, like they were fighting. I said to the boys��um there goes Joe��.no one believed me and went back to talking amongst themselves. Not five minutes later, someone asks where Joe is. I remind them that he just flew by, but no one believed me. Sure enough it was him that flew by. He got busted out by the dj because he supposedly asked him to play Like a Virgin..or something. Needless to say, we finished our drinks and we were out the door. We�re outside the bar, and Joe is arguing with the bouncer. Let it go dude. �Do you want to go back in? � is what I say to him, and he says no, so I said to the boys let�s go. So we got in our cars and drove off. On the way home, I was giddy. J was drunk, and Red was gabby. He asked me whatever happened between me and Below� I think I implied that we hooked up, but I reminded him that I was drunk. He said something about not wanting details, it was amusing.

We get back to J�s and get ready for bed. I had no intention of fooling around but he made a move on me. It was hot. We had a good time. Like always. I woke up to his leg thrown over me and his arm draped across my back. I was like, what the fuck, I�m not a pillow. Then we both were up and and talking and what not, and we were just about to start fooling around when roommate knocks at the door. Roommate has no clue that J and I have ever done anything, so we were kind of like, uh oh. So roommate comes in and tells us that there is smoke in the hallway of the building. The two of them go out there to investigate and they were knocking on the door where the smoke was coming from and no one was answering. But they could hear music playing in there. So then they called 911. 911 said to get safely out of the building. And all I could think was, god damnit I have to find a bra to put on. So we get outside to wait for the fire department and we�re looking up to where the apartment with smoke was and we can see that the screen doors were open. Which was weird. So then I get all worried thinking that someone is in dying from smoke inhalation or something, and no one is helping them. So all of the sudden there�s this little old lady standing by the doors of the smoky apartment looking out wondering why all the fire trucks were there. She obviously had no clue that they were there because there was smoke coming out of her door!! Geez. I guess she is really deaf, and obviously didn�t hear the smoke alarm going off in her apartment, let alone hear anyone knocking at the door. I guess everything was under control, and roommate went off to study and me and J went back in to go back to bed.

Well, of course, we didn�t sleep right away. We fooled around, and once again it was hot. I had a pretty good orgasm that time. We pass out and I wake up around 1230p � 100p and of course, I wake up J with my stupid banter. We get up and go to eat�we get back and we were just chilling and I was getting ready to leave and we ended up fooling around AGAIN!! I came two times that time before he even came. I swear that guy is a horn ball�but then again, what does it say about me : ) .

We hung out for a little bit, and then I had to get going. I told J I was the most relaxed woman on the planet. I don�t remember what he responded with.

I�m driving home and my mom gives me a ring wondering what I was doing. I told her the fire story. She just about flipped out, and I was like �mom, everything is fine� and then she says, �is your boyfriend and his apartment ok���MOM HE�S NOT MY BOYFRIEND��she giggles and says, �OH I know that, I meant boyfriend like I say girlfriend when I am talking about your girlfriends��Oh I say. Nothing like me getting all defensive.

Now I am here. I was going to go out tonight and decided against it. I think I�ll probably go to bed in a little bit..yea, this has been the most exciting weekend I ever ever had.

Too bad I couldn�t make it more exciting by going out tonight�blah.

Til tomorrow, adios.