9:47 pm on 2004-02-15
If God is aDJ..then life is a dance floor

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So I am sitting here trying to figure out how much sleep I got this weekend. I�ll add the hours as I write about my weekend�well Thursday, I bombed my exam�I think I wrote about that.

Friday was a busy, but good day at work. It was nice knowing that it was Friday, it was an extremely long week for me, I was definitely due for a break. Friday night I went out with my sister and some of her friends for her birthday. I felt left out, none of my friends were there, and I barely spoke to anyone. That is very unlike me. Usually, I have no problem talking to people, even people I have just met. It was just one of those nights�therefore I left at a little before midnight and came home and went to bed�count em � 8 hours of sleep.

Saturday morning rolls around and I wake up around 8am and feel great�I had a bowl of cereal and laid around and watched tv. It was a total chill morning. I fell asleep again and woke up at around 130pm or so�that makes for about 4 more hours of sleep.

So yesterday was Valentines day. I went up to benefits buddy�s place(J from know on in this entry)�and we came back down this way to Below�s place and went to dinner with Below and two of his friends. It was fun. I was a little worried at how Below was going to act towards me�but it was all good. We then went bowling. I had fun. So of course, that was my valentines�so let�s talk about J and his new woman.

Friday night he got laid. I asked him that when we were driving to Mikes. When I got to J�s earlier that afternoon, and we were getting ready to leave, he asked me if I was staying the night, and I said yea, just as long as he didn�t mind�he said that we should just be able to hang out with not fooling around. He caught me off guard with that comment, but that was fine�so as we�re driving, we were talking about BB(this would be his new girl), and this is when I asked him if he was there Friday night, and he paused and said yea, so then I asked if he slept with her�he paused. I therefore answered �yes, you slept with her��so then I said, �Is that why you don�t want to fool around��once again, a pause, therefore I answered for him, and he agreed. That was cool. It was kind of quiet for a little bit..almost like an uncomfortable silence, and then we went back to our normal selves.

I proceeded to get drunk Saturday night�Although I don�t think I was wasted drunk, but I was feeling good. Some of J�s roommate�s friends were over when we got back to his place, so we hung out with them for a bit. And then went to bed. I know we were fooling around, but the next thing I did was open my eyes and saw that it was light out. I realized my clothes were on, and was like�interesting, I didn�t fuck him. So of course, I had to start talking because I hate being awake when someone else is sleeping next to me�so I always feel the need to wake them up. We then had sex. It wasn�t like it usually is. It�s hard to explain�but we both got off, and that is cool�once again J is up to his antics, as I am up to mine. I know this is terrible, and I would hate it if it ever happened to me�but it�s a thrill knowing that he has slept with someone else, and was seeing someone else�yet he still sleeps with me. He must not know the word No, or he feels bad for me�which I don�t think is the case. So I am laying there trying to sleep, and I hear the phone ring�I knew it was BB, the new girl�mind you it was 10am. Who the hell does that? Not me�.I guess she was mad at J for not doing anything with her on Valentines day and what not�..To make a long story short, she called him three, that�s right 3 times, in a matter of 20 minutes. Psycho. I guess they aren�t �seeing� each other anymore. I proceeded to laugh and giggle about the situation, and now I feel bad because J seemed to feel pretty bad about the whole thing. I don�t get guys sometimes. I asked him if he really liked her�he said she needs to chill out. People don�t change. Words of Wisdom�they don�t ever change. They only get worse, not better. That�s my bitter theory on the whole relationship thing�

I told J that I wanted to go back to bed, but I wanted him to come with me. It was cool. We laid around, stupid banter, laughing and just having a good time. That�s what I love about him. We can just sit around and bullshit and have a good time. I laughed a lot and it felt great! I haven�t laughed that hard in such a long time. And that�s what I miss about me. I need to get it back.

I guess last night on the drive home I told J that we should date. And we�ll leave that comment at that. I have no explanation for it.

So I got home around 230pm, had some noodles, and went back to sleep�I woke up at 745pm and almost had a heart attack because I thought I missed �sex and the city��I am addicted to that show. Which leads me up to now�sitting at my desk, reveling in the events that transpired this weekend. If I wrote every single detail about this weekend...it would be a 500 page entry�There was some Below back scratching involved. Last time that happened we ended up fooling around�.none of that last night. I like Below. He seems like a fun and interesting guy to hang out with, plus he isn�t bad on the eyes either. I�d like to be his friend and hang out�.but I don�t know if he would go for it. Only time will tell.

I thought that this entry would be concise, and well structured, but it�s a bunch of jibberjash�.but it was my weekend.

J wants to do a combined journal between the two of us. We talked about this before, but it never transpired�one day..maybe one day. Maybe I�ll give an even more detailed weekend report tomorrow�but this basically summed it up..

Oh and I was called �clicker� and a threat to National Security this weekend. Isn�t that nice. I hope someone googles National Security and becomes addicted to my diary.

Yea I am gonna do some apartment searching�fun fun fun.