9:32 pm on 02-13-05
lots of "so"

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I went to Michigan this weekend. I had a good time just getting away, even if it was only for two days. Last night I was wasted off my ass�I haven�t been that drunk in a long time. I felt like shit today. But I dominated �sc3n3 !t� like always.

I�ve been kind of cranky too the last couple of days, I am not too sure why though. I hope the mood goes away.

So there building some new condos/townhouse a couple of miles away from where I am at now, and I am seriously thinking about buying one. The price range is good, it�s a nice area, and I�ll be able to choose things that I want. I have a decent amount of money put away to put as a down payment, so I am thinking that this is the next best thing for me. I am calling tomorrow to make an appointment with the builder. The good thing about this is that I am not in a rush and I can put more money away to buy everything that I need. We�ll see.

So I haven�t heard from the new guy. Am I upset? No. Am I confused? Yes, very. I don�t think he�s dead or anything, but I still don�t get why I haven�t heard back from him. Grow some fucking balls and say something about it, jesus. Or wait, maybe he found my diary and didn�t like something that I wrote in it. Damn it. That would totally be my fault because I gave him my im sn, which of course, is the freaking same as my diary name. Yet at the same time, I haven�t seen any unusual ip addresses on my stats. So he must have just decided that he didn�t see anything going anywhere with me. Fine by me.

So tomorrow is god forsaken valentine�s day. Everyone in my office is all �oh what did your husband get you?� �Oh someone delivered flowers to you!! � Gag me. Last year on valentine�s day I went out with J and below and we went bowling, got drunk, and had sex. I do remember though the next day I was hanging out with J and we just had a really good time hanging out and talking and laughing. I fucking miss that. I can�t have conversations with anyone like I had with him.

Friday night I was out for my sister�s birthday and surprise surprise I got tipsy. I am in love with jager bombs on ice. Don�t ask. And people thought I talked a lot normally, you should see me after two of those. Yummy. So anyway, my cousin and I were talking and he doesn�t understand why I don�t have a boyfriend. I don�t understand why everyone is so concerned about me not having a significant other anyway. Someone will come along, someone who is looking for what I am looking for. And I�ve decided to cancel my personal ad membership too. I get some tools emailing me all the time. Well except for geek guy, he was a good one.

I just realized I started a lot of the paragraphs with �so�.