6:19 pm on Saturday, Jan. 24, 2004
new and trendy thing

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What a great day.

right. I feel like shit. I went out last night to a couple of different bars and I didn't drink that much, I think I had 4, 5 at the most, beers last night. And I was drinking water, and I woke up feeling like I was going to vomit. I spoke with two friends today and they both felt the same way. ugh. There must have been something in the air. I ran into a lot of people I knew last night, thank god no one mentioned my brother or anything like that. That is a good thing.

I did get a few "why aren't you dating anyone?!"...god I fucking hate that, so I replied with..."oh the new trendy thing to do is to be single and have fucking buddies"...(dumb answer)...so he says to me, "oh so who's the lucky guy"...ha, there is no one. He thought my replies were quite amusing.

I was out earlier in the evening with my cousin and all she wanted to talk about was my brother and how I am doing and what not. I'm fine. WHen I want to talk about it, I'll talk about it.

I've been pretty busy this week. I still was kind of in a mood, but I think it's just that I've been trying to get back into the swing of things with school and what not, and I have alot of studying to do.

So last night when I was leaving, I pull out of the garage and the door doesn't close. Now, the door has been acting a little funny all week, so I just thought that it was the cold that was making it funny. Well, I get out of my car, and go to look and see what the problem was and there is this cable hanging off the roller bar thing at the top of the door. Uh oh. This doesn't look good. And of course, no one is home to help me. I tried pulling the emergency cord and it wasn't working. I'm sitting there thinking "i cant leave with the door open. people will take stuff out of here"...so I turn the car off, walk through the yard to the front of the house and go and knock on the next door neighbors door. He looks like a strong guy, so I thought he could help. No one was home. shit. So I then notice that the lights were on in the house next door to him...this would be the hot neighbors house. At first I wasn't going to go there, but I did. So I ring the bell, and he answers...I'm like "hey, i live next door to g and j", and hot neighbor says yea I know who you are (in a nice way)...so I tell him my situation, he tells me to come in while he gets his shoes and coat. So we walk over to my house, and he gets the door closed. Then he gave me the name of a friend of his who will come and take a look at it. I thank him, and he tells me, with a killer smile of course, to have fun and be careful.

Ahh I was in heaven.

I swear...something has come over me lately. I can't describe it.

alright, off to enjoy my saturday night.