9:11 pm on Monday, Jan. 19, 2004
It's almost like I have to pull a j lo

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Get out of dodge...I was googled again.. what would we do without stats.

Today was a long long day.

First, I was busy at work. J emailed me today. Pissed me even more to begin with. His email was one of those hi, how are you doing, my weekend was good emails. Not one mention of the email that I wrote on Friday...so of course, since I can be a total bitch, I emailed him back wanting to know if he even got my email from friday. He did. WHat a bunch of crap. Back and forth emails and he says something about how he emailed k out of spite because I told him not to do it. Well, why did you ask my opinion in the first place and then say that you would respect my wishes. Jesus, I could have said whatever and all you had to say was something about how I don't have the right to tell you what you can and cannot do and then I would just have to deal with it. I am basically basing my reaction to whole situation on the fact that I really was not myself last week. Must have been something in the air.

I went to the health club and to tan today....well, I think I got a little red at the tanning place. I never get red. No more stand ups for me.ugh. I need some color..yea yea I know it's bad, but I am paste. ugh.

I redid my website. I think it's kind of cute, girly, just like me. My friends always harrass me for not getting the pics from parties up in time, well today I got it all done. They will be amazed. I hope no one says that my site looks stupid.

I am liking my classes. I don't have homework for java due until thursday night, and I am just about done with it. This is simple, and I dont have any classwork for my thursday night class.

Other than that, today was a relatively boring day. I read in cosmo that if you drink coffee before you work out, it'll help you work out longer. SO of course I had some coffee...and I did ok. I just need to stretch more because I get bad shin splints.

I need to buy double sided body tape to wear this dress for the ball. Won't that be funny....it's almost like I have to pull a j lo.