10:33 pm on 01-10-05
just a boring monday

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That feeling, you know the one you get when you someone significant to you is thinking about you, it makes me feel sick. I don�t like it. I used to be able to tell if this feeling was one of goodness or badness. I can�t differentiate anymore between the two.

The weekend was busy, but quiet and went by way too quick. A funny thing happened to me on Saturday night. I was across the road at the �home� bar and I ran into a new guy from my work. I just know him to see him in the hallway and his department. I walked past him on the way back from the bathroom and we started chatting. After about 10 minutes, I told him I had to get back to my group, and he said ok, well can I get your number, and typical notalptrixie ways, I blurt out, �oh yeah, my extension is blah blah blah��he laughed and said, �no, a way to reach you outside of work��did I feel stupid. So we did some mutual cell phone number programming, but I won�t attempt to take it anywhere..even if it did go somewhere. He might just be looking for some new people to hang out with, same thing I�m looking for.

I met another roommate prospect over the weekend. Nice and everything, but I can�t live with someone who has lime green daisies on their shower curtain and purple rugs throughout the place. Good luck finding someone though. I think it�s time just to do it on my own.

Other than that, I�m working on a new template for my diary, something a little different, still deciding if I like it enough to change. But you know, change is good. I was crabby last week, but I am much better this week. The year is working out better than I thought it would. Now it�s just a matter of getting through the next 12 months without any major drama.
