4:04 p.m. on 2003-12-27
breach of integrity

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As for the integrity of a diary comment made in my guestbook, there is a reason as to why I went and edited my diary. Maybe you read before I edited, maybe you didn't. But when I reread what I wrote, you didn't need to see it. That's the problem with keeping a diary that someone you are friends with knows about, you can't always write everything you want to.

Maybe I have another secret diary and you just don't know about it ; )

I purchased a new cell phone today. I was at the store for about 900 hours, and then I finally left with 3 new phones. I upgraded mine, upgraded my dads, and bought one for my little sister. Why I did that, I have no clue. Maybe I am still drunk.

I am supposed to go to a friend's house tonight to hang out, I don't think that I want to. I am still recuperating from last nights binge. We went bowling last night, and had an awesome time. And then we went and hung out a friends house. My drunk ass strolled in about 515am. Good thing it was still kind of dark out, but I kind of remember the guy down the road from me walking out of his house. The guy probably thinks I am nuts. And every time I see the guy next door to me, it's always seems to be on the mornings of when I am justing coming home from staying at J's house. I sometimes feel like I am doing the walk of shame or something, carrying my bag and shoes. The guy probably wonders what I am doing.

I found out that a relative had to put their dog to sleep yesterday. This is the same relative whose phone calls I avoided last night before I went out. I now feel bad, but at the same time I don't. How was I supposed to know that they were going to put the dog to sleep. The thing was about 250 years old and walked into walls. She had a bath the other day, so she went onto her next life as a clean dog.

yea the more I think about it, the less I want to go out tonight. And oh my god, I am so stupid, I called the ex last night. See this always happens. He'll call and I won't answer or call back or what not, and then I'll get drunk and all stupid and wallowing in my sorrows and I'll drunk dial him. yep, I am real stupid.