6:54 p.m. on 2003-12-23
No more milkshakes

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One more day and then it's a 4 day weekend for me!! Yahoo! I cannot wait. I have a 4 day weekend this weekend and a 4 day weekend next weekend. I'll be fully rested for the new year...hopefully.

My boss gave me quite a suprise today for a xmas gift. I received a $200.00 gift certificate for a stay at either the Palmer House Hilton or the other Hilton downtown. Sweet! That is the coolest gift either. So either I find a boyfriend and use it or it'll wait til the summer when we do the bachelorette party for a friend of mine. That is what I'd actually rather use it for!! I thought that was nicest gift ever. I better be good to my boss for the year. And all I got her was a 30 dollar gift certificate to Crate and Barrel. Oh it's the thought that counts.

So I was kind of down in the dumps today. I ahve been extremely moody. This whole grieving process needs to pass and soon. It's emotionally draining.

And if I hear this freaking "milkshake" song one more time, I'm gonna be forced to go and get one.

I broke down and purchased a mega millions lottery ticket today. For some reason I have this lucky feeling. Yea, and when I went to buy the ticket, I ended up buying $5 worth of some scratch off game and I won $25 bucks! cool. I never purchase lottery tickets or anything like that. I'll probably pass out if I win.

Other than that, nothing new for the day.

Maybe I'll write tomorrow night after everyone leaves and I have 6 Heinekins in me. I might have a good story.

If not, once again, have a great christmas.

Ho HO Ho.