1:04 pm on 10-30-04
spooky day...

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I�m done wallowing in pathetic anger. But I am still stupid, or at least I think I am. No one seems to be confirming it for me though. What is up with that?

I feel kind of crummy today. What the heck is going on with this weather. It was about 72 and muggy yesterday, and of course, the heat was on at work, so that made it for a yucko day.

Thursday night I was online and somewhat chatted with J. I didn�t feel like chatting with him just for the fact that he avoids things. Any time I get mad about something, he doesn�t ever say anything about it. Which pisses me off even more. So he called me at work yesterday twice. I was on the phone the first time he called and the second time he caught me in a mood. Needless to say I was snotty. I called him back while I was at the bank and asked what he wanted. Well, his new girl � friend had strep throat and he wanted to know if I still wanted to go see the band last night. Nope, I had plans already�and fucker, I wanted to see that band badly too. So that was that. I told him he aggravates me..blah blah blah. AND�why the heck am I getting mad at him all the time? I don�t get mad at any of my other friends the way I get mad at him.

Where�s that book��he�s just not that into you� because I need it. Although I read once that if you are about to purchase the book, you already know that and that you don�t need to purchase the book. So much for good advertising of the book.

Last night I went out with a few friends. We went to the haunted house way out in bumblefuck. What a freaking drive. Yea, and guess who drove?! That�s right, me. So we get there, and it was 25 bucks for two haunted houses. We waited over two hours in line and we got there when the place opened. So asides from the wait, I wouldn�t say that it was really scary, but I did jump a couple of times. After that we met the lawyer and �hot boy that I made out with once�*** at a bar out that way. Normally, I would drink if I were closer to home, but because of the rain and crappy weather last night, I had one beer. And then the rest of the night that I had diet coke. The waitress made it seem like it was special privilege for me to get my diet cokes for free. Please, first of all, I am sure that plenty of money was spent among the seven of us, and secondly, how come bars don�t do the �designated driver gets free non-alcoholic drinks�? There was karaoke at this bar, and it was terrible. Some of those people should be ashamed of themselves. Yea, and when did cowboy hats and John Deere belt buckles become popular? There were quite a few guys dressed like that last night. We had a good time though.

There were not any easily accessible expressways near to where we were, so I had to take the back roads to drive my friends home. Let me tell you, I am not a good driver when there is a ton of leaves on the road and rain. I was swerving all over the place.

I got made fun of for saying �cockamamie�.

I have a costume party to go to tonight. I am using an old bridesmaid dress and being a miss America �rejected�. It should be funny.

I think it�s time for a nap. I got home at almost 3am. Tired�.

Another stupid thing�.I gave my new personal ad fling my aim, and if he googles it, he is definitely going to find this site. Fuckernaut.

*** I never really made out with him, he�s just hot and one time when I was giving him a ride home, he kissed me and utilized his tongue (I sound like I�m 12 years old)