10:28 p.m. on 2003-10-29
stomach support thongs

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Another day in the life of Jen.

I hate when I hit enter and the line spacing is massive on this thing. THat is absurd.

I was freaking busy at work today, but I got two spirited service cards. rock. People give you these cards when you do something out of exception and they appreciate you. I have gotten 4 so far this month and then 2 today. pretty sweet. Each card is worth 5 bucks in either the cafeteria or in the gift shop and then every card that is submitted within the month is entered into a monthly drawing where you can win 100 bucks. I have yet to get that.

I learned today that if you have sex 4-5 times a week, you will live an average of 10-15 years longer. I wonder if you can do it all in one day and if it will still count?

DAmn it, i was on the el and had an idea about what i could write about tonight, and once again, i have forgotten. It must have been a good idea while I was sitting there rocking back and forth because I think the train driver was drunk, but now I have seem to forgotten it.

yea i'm done for now. oh now i remember.

I had one of my million and one catalogs with me today and I was reading it on the train. They had a "stomach support thong"..you know like the panties that suck your gut in..but it was a thong. Now I thought to myself, someone who needs stomach support should not be wearing a thong , and then the realization hit me that I wear thongs sometimes! and I could some stomach support. SOmetimes you just don't feel like wearing panties, but you still feel the need to wear something, so you throw on a thong. And people who say it gets stuck in your ass, maybe you are wearing ones that are too tight? what do ya think?!