9:33 pm on 09-29-04
I'm craving some touching

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I was craving several things today. Salt, mainly some orange chicken, a faster computer and the touch of a human. I had some orange chicken, took care of that craving. My faster computer is a week long project in itself, so I didn�t get that. And human touch�now there�s something I mean by this. I want a good hug, a good back scratch. Someone to adoringly place their hand on my back or on the back of my neck (preferably someone I am attracted to). It is amazing what a little touch can do to you. I haven�t kissed anyone in such a long time�J doesn�t even count because we never kiss. Yes, we have sex(and the last time was probably two months ago, so that can�t even count into my touch category) but we don�t kiss. I want someone to just passionately kiss me. Is that so much to ask for? I mean come on now�

I had a quiz tonight. It was a bitch and it obviously proved to me that I need to read more than just the powerpoint handouts. Damn, more work. This instructor is hard.

Yea, and I still want to be touched. Anyone available for a makeout session or a good foreplay session? Anyone? Anyone? I�ll throw in a free home cooked meal with it.

I emailed this band the other day, just telling them how I saw them last weekend and I really liked there music. The reply I got was very down to earth and cool, more than what I even expected. Hell, I didn�t even expect an email back. But I guess when you are small and local and aren�t really caught up in the whole grand scheme of a rock star lifestyle you can write emails to your adoring fans. He told me about their next show at the end of October. Alleyboy told me that he and J are going to be in Vegas that weekend�but I might just go and check them out myself. There�s nothing wrong with going to see a band at a bar by yourself, is there?

Still want to be touched�

Yea, and I had 127 hits to my site and I get one freaking guestbook message? Come on now.