11:14 pm on 09-20-04
Getting out of class early rocks that kasbah

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Yea, I posted some song lyrics on the last entry. I felt productive in the fact that I actually took the time to look the lyrics up. I downloaded 7 songs from this Frou Frou chic, and I must say I feel that her music is Dan Ryan driving 75 mph music. Turn it up loud and just drive. And try not to get killed at the same time.

I was im�ing with J last night and asked him if he wanted to hang out this Saturday, and he said ok. So then today he emails me wanting to know if I wanted to go and see the Ratatas at sonnotecque this weekend. I told him no, that I really didn�t feel like it. So I emailed him with that and included a �but if you want to go, you can go. We can hang out another time� Yea, so I decided I am going to go Saturday. I had a nasty headache this morning, I would have replied with a yes right away, but I was cranky and the thought of a loud night was not very appealing. But, as the emails were being passed, I was conversing with my coworkers about how I would be really pissed if J decided to go to the show instead of hang out with me. Which in one aspect, really isn�t fair of me because I told him that he could go and that we would get together another time, but at the same time, we had planned to hang out that night, so he would be ditching me. Yea whatever, it�s over, done with, headache is gone. My coworkers think that he is leading me on. They don�t understand the concept of guys and girls hanging out together as friends. Yea so we screw around sometimes, but not many people know that, especially people I work with. Just a couple of my friends and all of you diaryland readers. Some people think that J is leading me on and then I reply with, �yea, well what if I am leading him on?�. That usually quiets them for about 5 minutes and I smirk to myself. We�re both adults and can make decisions on our own, and I guess we have an understanding of what our relationship entails. I will say though, that after the whole �why can�t we date� fiasco, I realize more and more that he is really a good friend and that�s what we should be. My coworkers just don�t understand why I can�t find a good guy to date. They always talk about setting me up and what not, and I just cringe at the thought of it, and reply with a polite �no thank you�. How do you know what I want?

So jesus boy was in class tonight. He talked to me for a bit, he�s actually kind of amusing. I feel bad for stereotyping him as a dirty pot smoking sleep all day boy. I am the only white girl in this class. All the other 3 girls stick together in their little clique. Whatever, I guess I�ll hang out with the boys�Gay boy wasn�t there though. Too bad because he smells pretty good. I like my instructor, she�s pretty amusing and told a story today about how she saw some cab driver get pummeled on night on wacker drive and how she had to go to court and testify or something. It was a funny story. She also complimented me on my necklace. She asked if I made it. What? No, please, I got it with 40% off last weekend. She was impressed with my outfit for some reason�we white female computer geeks need to stick together.

So last comment for the day�I was scooping around on my internet dating site which is a waste of my money, but anyway. I hate when men post 5 zillion pics of themselves and in 99% of the pics they are wearing the exact same outfit or something similar to it. And then there are the guys who have a few pics posted and they look like a totally different person in each pic. You just never know what or who you�ll meet.

Whatever, I need sleep�this entry was stupid.