8:34 pm on 08-01-05
Still feeling crummy

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So I�m still not feeling well. I don�t really cough when I am sleeping, but then the first thing in the morning, hack hack hack. Ugh. So the medicine that I got last week, the doctor wrote the wrong dosing on there. He gave me instructions for medicine for a 5 year old! What the fuck, no wonder why I�m not getting better. I discovered this yesterday, so I�ve doubled the doses, but nothing better yet. I hope it just hasn�t kicked in yet. So then when I came home from work today, I felt exhausted and I think I had a fever. Took some advil and climbed into bed. Slept until my dog decided to bang her head against the door. Silly dog. But when I woke up, I was drenched from sweating, so obviously I had a fever. Sigh.

There was voicemail on my house phone the other day from the Chicago Dept of Pub. Health. It was a recording telling us that they would be spraying for mosquitos over the weekend and that we should keep the windows closed, keep pets and children inside and then clean off kids toys after they sprayed. Sheesh, I wonder how toxic that stuff is. Oh god, I just thought this�they probably sprayed and the stuff blew into the air conditioner and the spray is now floating around my house�I�ll probably die! Ahh�but hey, don�t worry, if your number is in my cell phone, you�ll be notified. And someday, someone will probably discover my writings and post an entry about me. Sad thoughts.

So since I don�t feel good, I try to use my brain the least amount possible. This includes watching L@guna Be@ch. What a addictive show. I also perused through People and US Weekly. These are not typical magazine choices of notalptrixie. And have you seen Britney Spears?! Her chest looks nasty and hanging out all over, wear a freaking bra you piece of trash.

I was emailing with J today and I said in an email, �I�m sick and tired of being email buddies, it�s just not doing anything for me anymore�. This was one of those random, where the hell did that come from comment, which will probably get me in some sort od trouble or drama filled fiasco. Ah well�spices up the workday.

And you, nonexistent man from Georgetown, if that was you that really said that about me about the one night stand on new year�s eve, maybe you�d share with me why you said and/or thought that. Inquiring minds would like to know.

I am reading this book called �the perks of being a wallflower�. I like it. It�s about this kid � teenage years � and he writes to �his friend� about things that are going on his life. He has an interesting perspective on things and he reminds me of someone I know. It makes me think that this person could have written this book when they were younger. Weird. But definitely worth reading.

Oh and I saw on MSN how that �tiny house� geico commercial is one of the best ones. Rock on. Every time I see the beginning of that commercial, I really think that it�s a reality show. Too funny.