9:20 pm on 07-11-04
Entry 1 for today

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Here we are again, Sunday night. I have not written all week, but no worries, you didn�t miss anything. It was a pretty boring week at work. I haven�t had that much work to do and I find myself sitting at my desk waiting for an email from someone, or reading anything and everything on the web. I was relatively glad when Friday rolled around. And then just when I was about to leave early on Friday I get a call from the COO of the company. Obviously no one was around in her department and she was calling from home and she wondered if I could go to her office and email her something from her computer. Let me tell you, security will obviously open any office I ask for and won�t even ask me why I am going in there. I must rank somehow there. Her computer sucked and it was taking forever for the file to go through Outlook. So I sat there at her desk in this huge office with this overwhelming sense of power and prestige. This someday could be me.

Yea, ok enough.

So Friday night I had to attend a graduation party for a cousin of mine. On my mom�s side of the family, who we always don�t get together with, but it�s family, so it was obligatory. It was outside, had some food, some beer and chatted with a few people that I haven�t seen in awhile. At one point in the night I was talking with this man about politics and Bush and Kerry and what not, and I can sense my mom looking at me while I was talking. Whatever. So later in the night, she says to me, �I never realized how smart you were��.What the heck was that supposed to mean. I am sure she didn�t mean it in a bad way, but geez mom, what did you think I was, the dumbest person around? It�s not like I sit around talking about world events and politics and stuff all the time. Most of my friends are privy to gossip and the likes. And when I do get into some sort of discussion it usually never lasts long because no one I really know seems to know what�s going on in the country. Given the exception of J and his friends. They know what�s going on.

Saturday I spent the day with J and we went to Six Flags. I guess it was �Joy Fest� that day and all sorts of Christian people were there. J made some code up where he said �jello� (I forget what the hell the word was, but it was something weird like that) and it meant that the people we were referring to were not part of the joy fest. Oh wait, I might be wrong. Long story short we never played the game and I think the code word was said once throughout the day. It also must have been �hard of hearing� day because there were an awful lot of people walking around using sign language. I think we had a fun time. Asides from the main roller coasters, we went on quite a few �spinny� rides. After awhile, my stomach wasn�t feeling the greatest. I must be getting old.

Some big ol black guy was walking around yesterday wearing some airbrushed tshirt with the incredible hulk on it, and it said �fucked up� on it. I though Six Flags was supposed to be a family oriented place. Nice shirt buddy. I don�t get people like that, I really don�t. I remember in high school when we went there one time, and a friend of mine was wearing one of those co-ed naked �insert activity here� tshirts and the security for the park made them take the shirt off and wear it inside out while at the park. I guess they don�t abide by that policy anymore. And on JoyFest of all days.

Later that evening, J and I went back to his place. We took naps and woke up, made some drinks and had dinner. Then, of course, we fooled around. I was out like a light after that. I woke up around 530am and peed about 6 times. I swear, that�s been happening more and more lately, where I get up, and go to the bathroom several times before I feel that my bladder is completely empty. Maybe I should get that checked out.

We had some good sex this morning. And then slept some more. Then I came home. My back was bothering me when I got home so I took some advil and laid around and watched tv. I must have fallen asleep and woke up at 7pm. So now I will be up most of the night.