6:25 pm on 07-05-04
I've become a statistic somehow

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My computer is the most fucked up computer I have ever seen. I need to go and purchase some sort of cleaner outer thing to make it run more efficiently.

Anyway, Friday night I hung out with J, gmoney(as J refers to him), Red, and two other guys. I think I will call them Mich and vetboy. So the six of us pre-gamed for a little while before we proceeded to walk to this bar called Le Foot. Now, to begin my story, let me tell you that my horoscope on Friday warned me about walking and driving. So driving the whole way to j�s place, I was very careful.

So we start walking to the bar and about 2 blocks into the walk, I somehow twisted my foot and in the process, I broke the strap on my platform flip flops, thereby rendering the flip flops useless for walking. Here comes the whining as we stand on the corner. I state that I am not walking, nor can I attempt to walk to, the bar. I said forget it, let�s go home. Red suggests a cab and asks if I can at least somewhat walk to Armitage and get a cab and then just stand ok at the bar. That was fine with me. So we walk down the street and I begin asking random strangers if they have a pair of shoes to lend to a poor girl. Nope. No one had anything. Someone suggested duct tape, but then another person reminded him that it was holding his car together�.so no luck there.

We finally get in a cab and I hop in the front seat and question the driver on the whereabouts of a Target/Walmart to purchase some new shoes. Nothing in the area. I even resorted to walgreens, but there was nothing around. So we get to the bar, and all of the sudden, the cab driver anxiously tells me to wait and hold on. We all get out of the cab and he goes to the trunk and begins to rummage around in there. Lo and behold he pulls out a pair of black, size 6 � sandals. Not something I would normally wear, but hey, when a girl is in need, she�ll take anything. Therefore my night was good.

(This is number 1 reason why I have become a statistic).

I had a great time hanging out with those guys on Friday night. It�s cool that they don�t mind that I hang out with them all the time, I guess I am like one of the guys.

At the bar, there was some guy in there with a dog named Trixie. J proceeds to yell, �get out, she�s not a lp trixie!� (While pointing at me). I told J that he needed filters and to shut up. I don�t want anyone to put a face with the diary. And of all people, he should know.

On the drive home, J was drunk. He proceeded to tell me how cool I was and all that crap and that I amuse him. This I am fully aware of. So then he starts talking about how he is never going to find a girlfriend and all that crap. When the thought pops into my head why not me. But I pushed it out quick because I knew it was not a good thing to talk about.

So of course, we get back to his place, and I think we were making a lot of noise, and it was late and I know his roommate was home, but oh well. So anyway, we had the sex as he calls it. I told him not to call it that anymore because it makes it seem like it is not interesting and we just do it to do it. I think that I do it is because it�s fun. Don�t you think?

He kissed me a lot too, but that�s a different story and it was only because he was drunk.

Saturday night, I went and hung out at my aunts house, nothing exciting there except my telling of the cab driver with the flip flop story from the night before.

Yesterday I went to Mel�s house for a bbq. I had a great time. This is the second time this weekend where I can be considered a statistic. I was standing at the end of the driveway talking to a friend, and someone blew off a quarter stick of dynamite in the yard. Well, who knows how this happened, but the top of it flew off and struck me in the right lower thigh. I know have this approx. 4 inch in diameter welt/bruise on my leg and it fucking hurts.

Then later on in the night, I was bitten by some sort of bug on my upper lip. The lip swelled to enormous proportions and while no one else seemed to be super concerned, Lawyer boy (the one who always picks on me), actually was very concerned for my well being. He kept on asking me if I was allergic to bugs/stings. Had I ever had anything like this happen before? Etc etc. He got me ice, he got me advil, he was going as far to say that if needed, he would drive me to the Emergency Room. He was truly worried that I was going to go into anaphylactic shock or something. He was by my side the rest of the night. What a guy. I guess I�ll have to be nice to him for awhile. Maybe he likes me? And just never realized it until something like this happened. Ha. Funny.

So I came home last night, obviously wrote a stupid drunk entry and then went to bed. I awoke about 1pm today. I must have been tired, and I woke up pretty crabby. So I have been pretty bitchy for the most part of the day.

So here I am, I am going to finish this, and sit around and watch tv. It was actually kind of nice to have a day to do nothing.