12:00 p.m. on 2004-01-02
Day 2 2004

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Day 2 2004

I am very short tempered today. I advise that people try to avoid me as much as possible. I know there are several, (but not good excuses) for my short-temperedness today.

1. This fucking computer - internet doesn't work. I've been trying to fix this damn thing since last night. I think I may have finally fixed it. And the weird thing was, I couldn't even figure out why it was doing what it was doing. I could not view any webpages in AOL or IE. Just freaking great, especially when I have school starting next week and I have to get things, sylabbi, etc. set for class.

2. My period starts sometime next week/weekend. THerefore I have the theory that the world is out to get me. Well, not really, but I always think the negative. For example, yesterday my dad was drinking a beer. Now mind you, he is an alcoholic, but hasn't had a drink since 1983 or one of those years. So 20 years is a good enough long time for him to be sober. So last night I walk past him in the living room and see that he has a bottle of heinikin on the table.

Me: "what the hell is that? " (in the most snotty tone ever)

Dad: "what does it look like?" (right back at me in a snotty tone)

Me: (mumbling)"great. now you'll probably start getting fucked up all the time"

Well, let me tell you, I thought he was gonna whack me. First of all, I couldn't believe those words came out of my mouth. If he wants to have a beer, let him. Why I said something, I have no clue. SO I apologized this morning and blamed my attitude as a result of not getting enough sleep yesterday.

#2 example: J called me yesterday to tell me he had pink eye. He called when I was half asleep and I don't remember the whole extent of the conversation. I do remember him saying something like "well you probbably won't want to hang out with me this weekend, so I thought I'd call and tell you that I had pink eye"....I was like, yea. I'll talk to you later. I was then laying in bed and thinking to myself...what was that phone cal for? I wasn't going to sit around all weekend and wait for him to call. Is that what he was thinking that I was doing. I just mentioned the other day in an email to him, that if he didn't have any dates this weekend that maybe he'd want to hang out. So then I had this flippy idea in my head that he was calling to tell me he had pink eye because he didn't want to hang out with me or some shit like that.

ANd today I am sitting here thinking...what is wrong with you. Hormones fuck people up, that's all I have to say. Maybe I should go back on birth control pills, I was never this goofy and thinking crazy idiotic thoughts before.

So on a better note, I am in love with the camera men from Channel 7 news and Channel 2 news. I awoke at 3am this morning to venture out to secure a picnic permit for my company's annual family picnic. Now, if you have ever heard about the picnic permit thing in chicago, it is freaking nuts. People are crazy and actually camp out to get their permits. So this morning I left my house around 330am and arrived at the place a little after 4am. So I'm driving down the road and I see a line of people standing outside the gate. Not too bad, I said to myself. So I went and parked my car about 2 blocks away and began walking. A little hesistant to be walking by myself outside at 4am, but anyway. So as I am getting closer, the gate opens and they let people in. What a freaking hilarious site that was. People were running and screaming...lol, just to be first in line for a damn permit. I, on the other hand, just moseyed on in. I was number 76 in line, not too bad. So they started the whole permit selling process at around 6am. I was called at 815. Woohooo...and the line was still super long.

So back to these camera men. Yea they were pretty hot. Who knew that camera men could be so hot. ANd they were dressed good too...put them in front of the camera doing the news and they'll score big time. One guy comes around and is just taping all the people...I'm sitting here, what the hell, I look like crap, please don't show me on the news. Well guess what...I was on the news. My mom called, my boss called me, two co workers, and my sister all have informed me that they either saw me on the news, or that someone that they know saw me. Great. Just freaking great. Oh well. I got the picnic grove that we needed, so it's all good.

I have absolutely nothing to do this weekend. Well as of now I don't. I was going to watch finding nemo yesterday...but i didn't. Maybe I will this afternoon, although I could go for a nap.

yea, what a great 2nd day of the year.