11:13 p.m. on 2003-10-22

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I've decided I'm a rock star.

I went to a bridal expo tonight. Talk about exhausting. It took us 2 hours to walk through all the vendors...ugh.so then we went to fridays for some appetizers and drinks. we had a good time there. so then, catherine asked if I wanted to go out for some more drinks, so we went to this bar by my house. It was dead except for about 5 boys. Well, considering catherine is freaking hot (but married(, 3 of the guys in the bar came and sat by us a littlw hile after we got there. They were nice. I scored a phone number and this guy bill scored mine. I am psyched. I dont know why I think that I am not worthy of meeting anyone. I just think that I am a moron sometimes, and dont know why someone wouldnt ask me for my number, i just need to go out more often, that's what I think.

I made this guy laugh at a story that I was telling. the more I drink, the more animated i become, and I waspretty animated for the story i was telling. I cant beliebe it's only 1115 pm.

I am a lush. yea so this is guy #3 for me in the last 3 months or so...interesting..the guy will probably never call me or he

ll just want to be "friends"....whatever.

i should go to be d now.