11:17 pm on 03-03-04
blah blah blah blah blah blah

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Sweet jesus�I did my taxes and I am receiving a hefty 2200 bucks back. Score furniture for when I decide to move.

My boss told me today that I have been in an extremely good mood all week. She was glad to see that I am happy and doing ok. : ) Thanks boss!! It could be that I got major action over the weekend�but let�s just say I am doing ok.

At dinner today, my mom busts out with this story about how the average woman shaves her legs a total of 42 weeks in her lifetime. I find that impossible, that is less than once a week. And for me, especially during the summer, I do a once over just about every day. That article is so wrong�I should find it and post it.

Yea, I have still homework to do that is due tomorrow night, but as stated before I chose to do my taxes instead. Plus it was free online. I rock even more.

Yea it�s almost the weekend�thank god. I get paid tomorrow..cool. I have plans Friday and Saturday night already. That�s something to look forward to.

I got an email, well two actually at work today, the said that they were from the support desk at my work and it said that my email was going to be suspended within 3 days for improper use or something� I was like whoa..not good. Well, thank god I didn�t open it because it�s a virus. That is the first virus email that I have ever gotten. And then I notice Diaryland has a little statement about diaryland users getting the same sort of email..Not good not good.

I also got an email last night from this guy, the architect, that I used to be very close with�but then I developed feelings for him, and he was supposedly seeing someone else�blah blah blah story of my life�so we ceased to carry on a conversation. Needless to say, his email was short, and to the point. Saying we should get together soon, and blah blah blah. I emailed him back, and in essence told him that in the past year, I have moved and lost my brother. Blah Blah.. so I will wait to see if he calls or emails me. I gave him my new home number and informed him that my cell is the same as it always was. If I know him, he�ll call me tomorrow at work..but haha, he doesn�t have my new extension.! Aren�t I mean�I don�t really care to talk to him or anything like that. I find it extremely odd that he has emailed me all of the sudden. And he didn�t say he was married or engaged or anything like that.

Benefits buddy thinks that we are going to get married. Please�architect boy is probably coming out of the closet or something and wants to tell me about it.

I will definitely keep you informed!!

As for now, I have to be at work at 630am tomorrow�what a bunch of crap. I was there until 5pm tonight when I should have left before 4pm�oh well.