9:37 pm on 01-26-05
Anyone need a new friend?

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Screw the motivational crap from the other day.

Burning the 2am candle for class is not a good thing for me, I just have a ton of crap to get done. I swear the instructor thinks that we don�t have anything else to do. And this is for both classes. Programs for one, study guides for the other. Talk about work. Where are all the classes where I am supposed to be creative and just creating websites? Huh? Sigh.

I�m really exhausted. My girlfriends pissed me off today. Asides for the fact that I hadn�t been at work because I was sick and now my work email is so busted that they don�t know when it�ll be fixed, I feel really out of the loop with things. My life has become too busy for phone conversations.

Anyway, not one of them asked me about my date. I am the one who�s always asking, �how�s the baby�, �how was your doctor�s appointment?�, �how are you feeling?��no, not one comment at all. The extent of their emails today (sent to other email addy of course) were all about baby planning and doctor�s appointments. This is going to sound selfish, but if no one is going to ask how I am doing or how things are going, especially when you know that I had something going on, don�t freaking email me then because all you talk about is the same shit over and over and over. Sigh (I�m tired, remember).

I guess I need to get pregnant or have lots of �stupid, unimportant� stress to even qualify a asking about. They didn�t even really talk to me with the whole J thing. Oh well. I�ll just go on my merry ol way.

Anyone need a new friend? I�m really nice and fun, I swear~