4:53 pm on 05-08-05
Someone was watching over us that night

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Interpol boy and I were in a car accident on Friday night. The cop at the �scene� said that we were lucky to have not been worse off than we are. James and I went to do some shopping and then went out to dinner. We each had one beer. We left and were on our way back to his house. We were going through an intersection (we had the green light) and out of nowhere some asshole (who we later found out was drunk) blew the light and plowed into the front of james� truck. I remember seeing glass shatter and hearing screeching and that is it. And you know how they say everything goes in slow motion? Well it was fucking slow alright.

When we got hit we were turned around a couple of times and the back passenger side end of the truck ended up flying into a light pole. Neither of us were knocked unconscious or anything and I was violently shaking. I couldn�t even talk. James kept on going �oh my god oh my god�. That�s all I remember hearing while sitting there. Then there were all these people by us. A group of high school age boys were opening the doors and helping us to get out of the car. I just stood there..I was too shocked to anything and then I puked. The driver of the other car was sitting on the curb crying. Then the fire department and police and what not start showing up.

We were there for a bit and then they took us to the hospital. My right side slammed into the side of the door and I was worried about my arm because it was really sore. They xrayed and everything was ok. Just bruised really bad. James� left leg was really sore, so they xrayed him and what not. He�s the same, ok, but terribly bruised. When I saw him yesterday, the whole outside length of his calve is freaking purple.

Someone was definitely with us that night and kept us safe. I�m lucky that where I was sitting wasn�t the part that hit the pole because I probably would have been a lot worse and with broken bones. James was lucky that the car didn�t t-bone us in the driver�s side door, because he would have definitely been a lot worse off too. I could have died that night, as well as James. It�s a fucking scary thing to think about.

James (as luck would have it) is a part time cop with the town where we got into the accident. Not only were there a ton of people at the hospital with us, but he was also able to get the scoop on the other driver. A guy in his 30�s, out for drinks after work. He said he didn�t think he was drunk. His blood alcohol was .13. The legal limit is .08. I�m sure we�ve all been at the .13 level and driven and been ok. I guess this wasn�t his lucky night. I felt bad for him, but at the same time, I didn�t because he wasn�t fucking hurt at all! You never would think that you would be in a situation such as this and when you are, your whole outlook is completely changed.

I didn�t even get a chance to call my parents before the cops did. They were flipping out! I don�t blame them, they had no clue what had happened until the got to the hospital.

So that�s that. I�ve been taking lots of advil and what not, and I feel a lot better today. But let me tell you, this whole thing will make me rethink what I do when I�ve been out for a �couple� of drinks and then decide to drive home.

On to fucking homework. Life must go on. (sigh�vb,net, here I come)